Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Online Library Management System Essay

1. Introduction: Detailed design starts after the system phase and system has been certified through the review. The goal of this phase is to develop internal logic of each of the modules identified during system design In the system design, the focus is an identifying the modules, whereas during the detailed design the focus is on designing the logic for the modules. In other words in system design attention is on what components are needed, while in the detailed design how the component can be implemented in the software is the issue. The design process for software system has two events. At the first level focus is on deciding which modules are needed for the system, the specification of these modules and how the modules should be interconnected. This is called system design or top level design. In the specification of the module can be satisfied is decided. This design level is often called detailed design or logic design, because the detailed design is extension of system design, system design controls the major structural characteristics of the system. The system design has a major impact testability and modifiability of a system and impacts its efficiency much of the design efforts for the designing software are spent creating the system design. 2. Applicable documents: The detailed design refers the system documents hence the first application documents here is system design, also we are referring the data structure. Hence second application document here is database design 3. Structure of software package: The software package consists of following functional components. * Functional component 1: Registration. * Functional component 2: Book issue. * Functional component 3: Book return. * Functional component 4: Search/view book details. * Functional component 5: Update book details. * Functional component 6: Payment (Fine). 3.1 Structure charts: It is graphics representation of the control logic of processing function or module representation of the system. It is one of the most common methods used for system design. In a structure charts each program module is represented by a rectangle box, modules at the top level of the structure charts call the modules at the lower level. The connection between modular are represented by lines between the rectangular boxes. The connection describes the data flows between the called and calling modules. 4. Module Decomposition: 4.1 Student details: In this form the users have to enter the details about the student like name, regno, course†¦etc. If the proper details are not entered at the same time error message will be displayed and record will not be stored†¦And if the entered register number is already exist then the details can’t be stored and error message will be displayed. 4.2 Delete student details: In this case admin can delete individual student details by entering his register number .If the Register no is not entered at same time message will be displayed and record will not be stored†¦And if the entered number is already deleted then it will be giving the message. 4.3 Book issue: In this form the Liberian can issue the books to the student. If the books are already distributed to students then Liberian can’t issue those particular books. 4.4 Book return: Here the user must return the book on given date†¦ Otherwise fine will be calculated†¦ 4.5 Calculate fine: In this case we can maintain the late fine of library member who return the issued book after the due date†¦

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Theories of development are important Essay

A theorist is a person who develops or believes an idea in which to explain something, including what, how and why. Theories are development through observations, analysing and experiments. Theories of development are important because they help us to understand children’s behaviour, to help us understand the sequence that children and young people develop. Theorists- influencing current practice. Cognitive development. A Swiss biologist and psychologist jean piaget (1896-1980) is renowned for constructing a highly influential model of child development and learning. He suggested that children develop cognitive skills through mental â€Å"maps†, schemes and network concepts for understanding and responding to physical experiences within his or hers environment. Piagets theory identifies four developments stages these four stages are, sensorimotor stage 0-2 years, preoperational stage 2-7 years, concrete operations 7-11 years, formal operations 11-15 years. Educators must plan activities that are developmentally appropriate according to the curriculum which expands the student’s logical and conceptual growth. Another theorist that supports cognitive development is Vygotsky. He believes that children learn and understand through others around them, such as friends and family. He believed that children need challenges and teaching experiences set for them to help them develop in all areas and to help them to reach their full potential. Psychoanalytical development. Sigmund freud (1856-1939) another theorist believed that there are 3 parts to each child and young person’s personality. He believed that there are; the ID, the ego and the super ego. He believed that these 3 parts aren’t always there from when the child is born but develop with the child as they grow. He said that they are different through certain factors and behaviour between each different child, Humanist. Abraham maslow (1908-1970) looked at peoples motivation in the 1940’s. He believed that people needed to meet their fundamental needs before they could meet their potential or self-actualisation. He believed that if they were not met then they would become a deficiency in the person. This links to practice because we need to meet the needs of the children for, warmth, care, hunger and environment that they are providing and what they do to meet the children’s needs. Social learning. Social learning theorists believe that we learn through observing others. Albert bandura born 1925 believes that we learn through ‘imitation’. Eric Erikson (1902-1994) believed that a child and a young person’s personality will change throughout their life, due to social development and experiences. This links to practice as nursery practitioners are told to be good role models to the children. This is because they observe us and ‘copy’ or ‘imitate’ actions that we may make. Operant conditioning. The theory of operant conditioning is based on learning from the consequences or reinforcement due to a type of behaviour. B.F skinner (1904-1990) is recognised as a key figure for developing the behaviourist approach to learning and developing the theory for operant conditioning. He believed that we learn through our experiences in the environment and the consequences to our behaviour. Skinner separated the sequence of actions into three groups; 1; positive reinforces 2; negative reinforces 3; punishers. The positive reinforcers are what make us repeat actions or behaviour when we get something we desire. Skinner suggested that the positive reinforcement was the most effective way of encouraging new learning, such as getting attention from adults, receiving praise and receiving rewards. The negative reinforcers is a behaviour that also makes us repeat actions or behaviour, but not in a bad way but in a way to stop something bad happening from something good. For example children may learn to hold onto the stair rail when walking down the stairs to steady them self rather than feeling the need to sit on their bottom and bump down them. The ‘punisher’ is what is going to stop people from repeating behaviour, such as checking the temperature of the bath water before getting in it, after burning yourself because you didn’t check. Skinner also researched unexpected positive reinforcers. This is when children show negative behaviour to receive attention from adults. He proved that showing more frequent positive reinforcement was the most thriving way to help children learn about acceptable behaviour. This links to practice because we reward and praise children for showing positive behaviour. Nursery practitioners often say ‘well done’ to children as a way of praising them for showing positive behaviour than their negative behaviour. We also try to focus more on children’s positive behaviour rather than their negative behaviour, this is because they eventually learn that their good behaviour is more noticed and praised than their bad behaviour. This proves skinners theory. Behaviourist. The behaviourist theories suggest that learning is influenced by rewards, punishments and environmental factors. ‘conditioning’ is often used by behaviourists because we learn in a certain way due to past experiences that teach us not to do something or to do something. Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936) was a physiologist who was studying dogs. Whilst doing this he recognised that the dogs started to salivate before their food had been put down for them. He came to the conclusion that they were doing this because they learnt to associate the arrival of the food with other things such as, the sound of footsteps and the bowls or buckets. He did and experiment to look at this more closely. He used a bell because dogs do not salivate when hearing a bell. The dogs eventually begun to associate the bell with been fed. He then rang the bell constantly and eventually the dogs begin to stop salivating and finally did not react to the sound of the bell. Behaviourists use the term extinction when this happens. John b.watson (1878-1958 Took up pavlovs work and demonstrated that children and adults can be classically conditioned. In an experiment he created a phobia of rats in a little boy known as little Albert. In our practice we do not experiment or use classical conditioning, although we may recognise it among the children for example, children may become excited when they see bowls or a tray been brought into the room, they may associate this with food being given to them after this happens. Another example would be that at the end of the day all the children put their coats on they then may anticipate home time because they associate putting their coats on with their parents arriving to take them home. It is also useful to remember that classical conditioning can relate to children’s phobias. Social pedagogy. Social pedagogy is the holistic and thoughtful way of working. The aim of this is to improve the life chances and social outcomes of babies and children, therefore we must work with each other as well as the children to find the best possible way of improving these outcomes. The theories of development that have been shown help childcare workers put together framework and education for the children. It also helps us to understand why babies, children and young people do things the way they do. Conclusion. This shows that theorists have helped us come to conclusions for why we do things the way we do as well as how we learn through our experiences. It also helps to understand these theories so that we can provide better care and knowledge in the childcare setting. Task c. introduction pack for a new staff member. At the mother goose pre-school we monitor each child’s development we do this by using the learning journey. In the children’s learning journey we have â€Å"early learning goals† for each specific age group, to give us guidelines or the â€Å"norm† development for each stage of their time at the setting. We also carry out observations on the children to show which stage they are at, at the time on the early learning goals. Before any observations take place on the children, permission must be given from the parent/carer, this is also helpful as we can share findings with the child’s parent/carer and they can share findings with ourselves. If we were to do observations on a child without consent from their parent/carer then they may feel angry and upset as they may not understand that this is normal practice and help us to help the children. Assessment methods. Here are two examples of assessment methods we use to monitor a child’s development; checklist/tick chart and a free description with a snap shot picture. A checklist and tick chart observation is a chart with particular activities written on and the child is observed to see if they can reach the milestones set according to the child’s age. These observations are usually taken place when structured activities are set up for the children to do and are based over a longer period of time, but are taken place less frequently to show the progress in the children’s development. The advantage of using this observation is that you can observe more than one child at a time and they are quick and easy to use. The disadvantage of this is that observing at different times may produce different results and that it only shows what the child can and cannot do, not how confident and happy they are to attempt tasks and join in. A free description with a snap shot picture is to show skills that children show or are seen doing. A description of what you see is written into a small observation sheet and put the child’s learning journey next to the picture of them doing so. These observations are used frequently to show what milestones the child is at for their age group. The observation has the advantage of been able to use it frequently and no preparation is needed. Although the advantage is that different observers pick up on different things that children do and it can be hard sometimes to find the right words to use to describe what you are seeing. Examples of why sometimes child/young person’s development does not follow the expected pattern. Children develop at different stages for example, a baby of 12 months may be walking with support but a baby of 10 months may be walking unaided. Some children just happen to develop quicker or slower than others, but for some babies and children there are reasons why their development does not follow the expected patterns. Premature birth can have an effect on development, such as sitting up unaided, crawling, standing and walking. Learning difficulties can also have an impact on development, some children may pick up writing and reading easier than with a learning difficulty, but help is available such as special support and multi-agency approaches. Another reason why development may be delayed could be disability for example, a baby that has a disability with their legs may not be able to walk until they are 2 or 3 where as the expected age is roughly 1 years old. Impact by disability. Disability can impact and effect development as it can prevent children and young people from completing tasks. Although most activities can be adapted to suit children and young people’s needs. Intervention. Intervention can be done to promote positive outcomes for the child or young person where development is not following the expected pattern. Specialist support can be used in the preschool to support children with learning difficulties or disabilities. They can arrange meetings to come and see the child to observe them and give the child’s key worker activities and goals for the child to meet. Multi agency approaches can also take place to help babies, children and young people to meet the expected pattern of development. Another intervention could be supported play by adapting the activities to support the child or young person to reach the milestones for their age group. Task d . Early identification. Early identification of speech, language or communication delay is important for a childs well-being because it can affect their development. The sooner it is picked up on the sooner it can be amended therefore the child will not miss out on educational activities and lessons which would otherwise potentially hold them further back. Potential risks. Any delays in a child’s speech, language and communication could result in a lack of development in the future. They may not be able to develop their skills further for example, if a child cannot speak then communication will also become a problem. This is why it is important to identify these delays early. If a child cannot speak then their development will slow down as they cannot further their skills through others around them. This can therefore cause the problem to become greater if it is left to long. Importance of early identification and potential risks of late recognition. It is very important that early identification to speech, language and communication as it can affect children and young people’s further development and expanding skills. If it is picked up on early enough then help can be given to the child to either overcome the issue or to give extra support to them to help them develop further. If it isn’t picked up on early enough then the child could fall behind in development and education. When a child falls behind it can sometimes be difficult for them to catch up although there are organisations to give extra support to the child. Multi-agency team. There are many organisations that can help support a child or young person’s speech, language and communication. The child’s GP (general practitioner) can refer the child to a speech therapist which will help their speech and communication. The child’s health visitor can also help with the child’s speech, language and communication. How when and why. A multi-agency team would be brought in to support a child when a speech, language or communication delay takes place. The manager would have a meeting with the child’s parent/carer to discuss the issue and then they would discuss the best possible option for the child. If they decide that a multi-agency team is to be contacted then a meeting would be arranged with the team to examine how the child can be helped. They then will arrange with the team to examine how the child can be helped. They then will arrange the times and dates that they can come and visit the child either at the childcare setting or at home. Play opportunities. There are many types of play opportunities that can be put into place to help support a child’s speech, language and communication. Role play is one of the most important parts of play for children, it covers physical activity as well as allowing the child to communicate, be creative, be independent and build self-confidence. Another play opportunity could be music and movement activities which include singing, dancing and nursery rhymes. The children can be independent and make their own choices to join in. this allows children to communicate with each other and to sing along to the songs and rhymes. Reading stories are vital in a child’s development. By reading and listening, children pick up new words and meanings which allow their knowledge to expand. If a child has a difficulty in communicating or in their speech then books can be very useful for developing their speech and communication. Show and tell is another way of supporting a child’s speech, language and communication. It allows the children to listen to others and to communicate if they wish to by asking questions about the show and tell that is shown, which can expand their word dictionary by using new words. All of this concludes that noticing a delay in a speech, language or communication development is important to prevent further delay in other areas of development.

Raed Hassan nabawy Essay

Obtaining an opportunity in your organization. I hope this will greatly improve my technical skills and further develop my experience. Experience NOV 2007- SEP 2012 unton National sank Dubai (IJAE) Senior Relationship Officer As Relationship Manager you will help people get the most from their money, make the right choices and make their money work for them. Often working for a bank or building society, you’d be the number one resource for customers to get advice on their account. This would range from their account details to advice on the best financial service for them. You’d have to assess each individual customer’s needs and accounts as well as generating new business and clients. Speaking with customers would be a large part of your day to day work, either over the phone, on the internet or face to face. You’d set up a meeting with them, discuss their financial needs and details and keep records, negotiate over financial products and keep your customers well informed and advised at all times. It would be important for you to keep up to date with the latest products, services and financial laws so you can give reliable advice. You will also be expected to meet sales targets, by offering them to clients and also drawing in new ones to increase business. 2004-2007 Mercedes-Benz Shuwaikh Kuwait Sales & Customer Service Making all invoices for the vans and trucks. Office Administration Responsible for shipmen for all vehicles and vans. Selling Vans and Trucks during Sales agents’ vacation. Correspondence with the HO in Germany for shipment. Handle with Clint after sale Solve the pro Education Languages Soft Skills blem tor customer Courses Studies Computer: Master Degree (MBA) Still study Graduation date : July 2003 College: modern academy Department: business administration English Grade: good with honor. Rank: Third Arabic : Mother Tongue English: Fluent French: Basic Outgoing personality. Good communication ; Organizational skills. Natural or professional selling skills. Excellent Interpersonal ; presentational skills. Organized, able to work under stress. Teachable, tactful and self-motivated. Ability to work in a group or individually according to the Job Body Language and Charisma , Union National Bank Introduction in Union National Bank English Grammar for everyday use, Union National Bank How to attract your prospect? , Union National Bank Selling Smarter, Union National Bank Sales Steps, Union National Bank Microsoft Windows Microsoft Office (Access, Word, Excel, PowerPoint) requirements

Monday, July 29, 2019

Freytag pyramid used in A Farewell to Arms Essay

Freytag pyramid used in A Farewell to Arms - Essay Example In a work, â€Å"Freytag’s pyramid demonstrates how rising action, conflict, and resolution follow one another to create a narrative or drama† (Thursby 24). The novel, Farewell to Arms (1929) by the famous American writer, Earnest Hemingway takes the themes; war and love. The book has been noted for its resemblance with the life of the author himself. The novel is set on the Italian battlefield in Gorizia, Italy. It portrays a deep passion of love between Frederick Henry and Catherine Barkley. It is praised for its resemblance with many of the Shakespearean Plays. The author Earnest Hemingway had compared the novel with Romeo and Juliet of Shakespeare. Just like a renaissance play it has five books in it and each book stands for each element of the Freytag’s pyramid. To begin with, the first aspect of Freytag’s pyramid is exposition. According to it a play must introduce the characters, settings and should constitute a moving incident. The novel, if analys ed in this background, gives the setting as the warfare of Italian army during the First World War, and introduces Frederick Henry, the hero of the novel, as the ambulance driver in the Italian front. Even from the very beginning some speciality in Henry is noted as he was the only soldier who has not ridiculed the priest. The relationship with Rinaldi makes Henry introduced to the heroine of the novel, Catherine Barkley, the English nurse at the military hospital in Milan. The shell attack and Henry’s knee wounds happen to be the move of the exposition in the novel. This makes the heroine attached towards Henry. Both the warfront setting and the introduction of the theme love affirm the accomplishment of the first element of the pyramid, exposition in the novel. The second book of the novel shows the development of love between Henry and Catherine. Even though there are conflicts in their characters, the aspect of love takes root in their hearts deep. The thoughts of Henry a s a lover and as a soldier show the conflict in the character and so Catherine too develop such a conflict in her mind. The pregnancy of Catherine shows the ‘rising action’ of the book second. Here the readers can find out overwhelming conflicts in his minds regarding his duty as a soldier in the Italian front. Climax of Freytag’s pyramid has been defined as, â€Å"the turning point in the action, the crisis at which the rising action turns and becomes the falling action. In a five act tragedy, this usually occurs at the end of the third act† (Lenhart, & Edgar 211). The novel witnesses the going back of Henry to service, still bewildered, whether to adopt love or war. The retreat of the Italian army at Caporetto shows Henry’s hatred towards war and its destructions. The killing of sergeant by Henry and battle police’s arrest and the final jumping into the flooded river constitute the climax of the novel. The falling action of the novel starts with the incidents that happened after the climax. Henry’s search for Catherine first at Milan then at Stressa shows his desire to denounce war completely from their life. The life at Stressa with Catherine was peaceful in the beginning but the probability of arrest by the Italian army compelled Henry move to Switzerland. The sudden escape of Henry and Catherine in a row boat and the struggle of rowing to Switzerland in a very opposing climate

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Marketing Week 4 Discussion Questions & Summary Essay

Marketing Week 4 Discussion Questions & Summary - Essay Example However, hailing from a highly disciplined family and community where such practices are strictly shunned and their negation had become a part of my belief; I decided not to copy the report. My colleague on the other hand did not hesitate to do so because this was a part of her belief system. I have been enlightened on the concepts of education and lifelong learning. I have realized the significance of a graduate degree and the learning that accompanies it. Today, people respect my view more than ever before. As a well-informed person my opinions are sought after. DQ2: Please describe where you have experienced a professional team conflict Explain what happened and its resolution I prefer you share a situation where you did not like the outcome of the decision, what would you have done differently We were a group of three people for our report. It required a lot of work and effort. We had distributed the work accordingly. However, one member of our group was just not cooperating. He(A) did not even bother to sit down and talk with us about the report. We were so bogged down by the work that we could not run after him. Therefore; we let him be and completed the work ourselves. So much so that he did not even accompany us when we had to conduct interviews of industry personnel. We were really angry at him but had no time to deal with him. At last, the report was ready. However, we did not put his name on the report. We felt that it was only fair since he had done no work. Because of this A failed the course! I feel that this situation could have been handled differently. We could have taken out time to force A to do some work for the report. As a team this was the least we could have done. What we did was a violation of team spirit. We should have counseled him, and tried to ma ke him work by giving him logical reasons. It would have made things different! DQ3: Describe the changes you have gone through while enrolled at the University of Phoenix While at the University of Phoenix I have matured. I have begun to see the world in a totally different light. Before, my views and ideas were skewed. I used to have a one-track mind and would often jump to conclusions. Now, I have become enlightened. University of Phoenix has helped me develop as an individual. It has made me look at things with an open mind. To look at all perspectives and to be confident and positive about things. It has taught me to respect others for what they and accept them with their faults and drawbacks. It has made me understand that what is important is what I have given to the society and not what the society has given to me. Earlier, I used to see a university degree as a means of better financial achievement. It has taught me the value of education beyond a means of earning money. It has molded me into a confident and inquisitive young woman who is not scared of challenges. From someone who would barely ever question and was used to taking things at fac e value. It has helped in my overall development. It has harnessed my potential and made me reach new heights. It has impelled me aspire and dream! SUMMARY paragraph based on answering the above questions and the class topics and courses completed for BS in marketing. At University of Pheonix I have learnt the concepts of

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Obama Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Obama - Essay Example The statement "Obama, we love you" was shouted three times while you were giving the speech. You received over thirty rounds of applause and a standing ovation at the end of your speech, a show of appreciation of and acceptance for you and your speech from a large swath of people. Your audience included religious leaders like the grand Imam of al-Azhar and Pope Shenouda III, scholars, politicians, actors, civil organizations, non-governmental leaders, and people that have influence over many people. Also, you had college students and youth in the audience, the people who will lead and shape the future of this region of the world, and they all liked what you were bringing to them. I was not sure that it was possible for us to make those people like and understand us after what they saw from the previous Administration. For eight years, they received continuous messages from Washington that we (the Americans) are against them (the Muslim and Arab world). They received the message that they (the Americans) are against us so there is no way that we can get together and work together against common enemies. The previous Administration acted and used terminologies that made us look like we (the Americans) are in a religious war against the Arab world and against Islam. The previous Administration sent a message that anybody who was not with us in our "Crusade" in the war on terror is against us. We gave the extremists reasons and chances to drag other people in coalitions against us. They used our former President's own words to explain to their followers how and why they are in a "religious war" against America and the West. How do we make these people stop hating us The previous Administration spent so much time thinking about what we should do to stop the majority of Muslims from hating us and hating our nation. They also spent millions and even billions of our money to repair our damaged image on an international scale. These policies were not working because for every reason we gave them to like us, we gave them tons of other gestures and signals that they should not trust us. The previous Administration didn't know that it is very simple how to make these people stop hating us. Just reaching out to them, letting them know that we want to open a new page with them, and telling them that we care about their future and their well-being as fellow citizens of earth would have been enough. President Obama, you told them that you understand that building trust will take time. You told them, "No single speech can eradicate years of mistrust."1 They understood that you are not planning to deceive them. They know you are willing to work with them on building trust. You told them that your speech is just an opening for our new relations. You also made it clear that you are not promising to change all the U.S. policies in Middle East. However, you made it clear that Israel is the biggest American ally in the region, and that the protection of the Jewish state is a constant obligation of the United States. However, the Palestinians have the right to their own stable homeland. The two-state solution is the American vision to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian

Friday, July 26, 2019

Entering the Conversation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Entering the Conversation - Essay Example & Monroe, D. Food and philosophy. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, Ltd. 2007. Print Allhof and Monroe’s book gives a very enlightening and also refreshing exploration on how philosophy can go about conversing about food and the activity of eating. There are various chapters that focus on a certain aspects of food and philosophy. Aesthetics and ethics cover certain themes and issues that involve the matter of food and eating. Aesthetics would try to expound on the nature of the good taste and refined experiences of eating food and what qualifies a dish to be wonderfully delicious. Ethics would speak on how eating should be done accordingly for the good of an individual. Each chapter in this book deals with such different themes and issues, and is written by various contributing authors from different fields related to the food culture and even life science. Iggers, J. Who needs a critic? the standard of taste and the power of branding. In F. Allhoff & D. Monroe (Eds.), Food an d philosophy (pp.88-100). Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, Ltd. 2007. Print This article written by Iggers speaks on what is the standard of food that would consider it be of â€Å"good taste† and also the effects of branding that would affect the criteria of such standards. Being a food critic himself, Iggers expounds the reasons and the mindset as to what would make an individual a person of good taste and have a refined palate for food. Since not everyone has the sensitive tongue and taste buds to without experience and learning it is important that a good food critic develop good taste by going through a more critical and refined manner of enjoying and understanding food more than just a mere necessity for survival. King, R.J.H. Eating well: Thinking ethically about food. In F. Allhoff & D. Monroe (Eds.), Food and philosophy (pp.177-191). Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, Ltd. 2007. Print. King wrote this article on how an individual should ethically conduct himself or h erself in the activity of eating and to consider the nature of eating. King expresses that the reasons why an individual should eat properly because it has its effects much larger in scale for both an individual and for the environment around. For an individual, good health is the reason why eating well is important. The reason why a balanced diet exists is to promote proper nutritional intake and balance for a person when he or she eats. Having too much of eating is just as bad as not eating. Parasecoli, F. Hungry engrams: Food and non-representational memory. In F. Allhoff & D. Monroe (Eds.), Food and philosophy (pp.102-114). Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, Ltd. 2007. Print. Parasecoli’s article takes reference from a neurologist turned chef by the name of Miguel Sanchez Romera. Parasecoli is an Italian food and wine critic expresses his fascination on how the flavor of food can be associated with the human brain’s ability to remember things or store memory. In thi s article, Parasecoli gives an explanation with regards to Romera’s research that different flavors of food have different effects to a person’s ability for memory association as well as emotional association. The taste and flavor of food can at times represent various emotional memories to a person since the mind would associate it with either an experience or sentiment. Shelley, J. The concept of the aesthetic. Retrieved from 2009. Web The article

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Media activisim Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Media activisim - Essay Example i. May 4, 1970 was a typical day for many Kent State students getting ready for a revolution. With the Vietnam War going poorly overseas and many students waiting for morbid news of family and friends currently serving, one can understand the social climate and, perhaps, why the national guard was called to settle the 1000 unarmed student protesters on this Ohio campus of 21,000 (Payne). The students were not especially concerned for their safety. It was, after all, a nonviolent protest and "there was no logical reason [for the national guardsmen] to aim or shoot"(Canfora). It is easy to assume that many students were there simply as an excuse to stay out of class, while others were voyeurs, watching the events unfold, warming benches. It is most interesting to hear how the actions of the United States National Guard appeared to eye witnesses. Alan Canfora, one of the nine injured survivors watched the events play out up close, gives a chilling recount of what occurred after he and h is fellow classmates "assumed [the guardsmen] were marching in a retreat back over the hill to the KSU Commons" and that they "were quite shocked when, at the hilltop, perhaps a dozen members of Troop G simultaneously stopped, turned and aimed their rifles." For thirteen seconds the guards fired a total of sixty-one shots into an unarmed crowd as far as almost 400 feet, killing four students and injuring nine others (Payne). ii. But what are we left with today, in the stale exhaust of the Kent State Massacre Do we know why the guardsmen shot, seemingly without reason Was there a sniper Perhaps a student in the crowd concealing a gun These are questions that we do not know the answers to. We must consider how this tragedy affects our society without those answers. Compared to the war in Iraq and the many protests that happen on campuses around the country, it is easy to feel secure next to our dormitories and behind the shield of our constitutional rights, but one must not forget the events of May 4, 1970, and how the security blanket can be so quickly torn away. It is events like this that cause people to rise up and take a stand. The rioters of this time "were called cancer...agitators with disregard for the tenets fo humanity, who would poison [the] water with LSD and set off bombs in [the] post offices and facilitate chaos. Long-hairs. Hippies. Revolutionaries. They brought this on" (Giffels, Klosterm an, & Weinreb). It was events like these that make mere people into revolutionaries. Events like these that convince people to keep protesting. To keep asking questions. To keep fighting for more. B. Che Guevara, Malcolm X, & Martin Luther King, Jr. i. Revolutionaries like Che Guevara, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King, Jr. were consistently reminded of the dangers of their chosen profession. Their chosen activism. Like the students protesting the war with guns pointed at them, these men risked their lives in their every day endeavors. Ernesto Guevara, more commonly known as "Che," is today considered a liberal icon, especially in Latin America where they have "made him a symbol of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The role of education within society especially in regard to the Essay

The role of education within society especially in regard to the interests of pupils and the social life - Essay Example The ability of children to respond to the challenges of school environment has been found to be differentiated in accordance with the conditions of the particular environment, as depended on the rules of education applied in the specific area, the support provided by teachers but also the personal perceptions and mode of behaviour, as being influenced by the family. Current paper focuses on the examination of the relationship between education and the interests of pupils; the potential relationship between education and social life is also reviewed, at the level that education is a critical part of each social framework. It is revealed that education can have a different role in different social conditions, meaning the social ethics and culture. Moreover, education is likely to be affected by the structure and the rules of each educational site, a fact that indicates the potential autonomy of educational institutes as of their priorities and principles. Also, it is verified that the interests of pupils are likely to be differently promoted in each school not only because of the existence of different social rules and ethics but also because of other factors, such as the infrastructure of each school (Heywood 2000), the perceptions of teachers (Chandra and Sharma), the local culture (Leclercq 2003) and the trends in local community (Nasr 1994), which may intervene more or less in the development of rules and principles of education.... In fact, education has been proved as being able to influence not just the life of individuals but also the life of the society. From this point of view, particular emphasis has been given on the identification of the criteria under which education can affect the life of humans but also the characteristics of societies within specific political conditions. Of particular importance seems to be the use of education as a means for achieving personal targets, meaning the development of specific skills and competencies but also the acquisition of valuable knowledge. In accordance with Noddings (2011) the first elements of the philosophy of education can be identified in the views of Plato. It is explained that Plato aimed to answer the following question, which is critical for the philosophy of education: ‘who should be educated and how’ (Noddings 2011, p.14). The analysis of Plato on education is based on the following principle:’ the human talents are analyzed along with the society’s needs so that to identify the role of education within a particular society’ (Noddings 2011, p.14). The above view on education is characterized as rather Utopian, taking into consideration the continuous changes on social needs and beliefs. On the other hand, John Dewey set more realistic criteria for deciding the structure and the priorities of education within modern societies. In accordance with the above theorist the actual role of education in the development of social and private life can be identified through the following method: the study of ‘the consequences of our choices’ (Noddings 2011, p.14). At the next level, Bailey (2010) noted that the potential effects of education on social life and on pupils

The impact of service recovery on customer satisfaction, loyalty and Literature review

The impact of service recovery on customer satisfaction, loyalty and word-of-mouth - Literature review Example This essay discusses that service quality in the hospitality industry and hotels specifically has been an area of great research interest. Research has shown importance of service quality. Parsuraman et al. indicated that service quality of hotels is both a significant differentiator and the most aggressive weapon possessed by them. Leading organizations in the hotel industry ensure to put up a high level of service quality over their competitors for over large durations of time. The relationship between service quality and customer loyalty has been of great interest. Researchers have also investigated the relationship between customer loyalty and the complaints received from the customer. Heskett et al. define customer loyalty as repeated purchasing by the same customer and their willingness to recommend the product/service to other customers without any outright benefits. High customer loyalty is beneficial to the organization as it reduces the firms’ marketing costs and inc reases its market share. There can be various reasons of a customer being loyal to a hotel. While some might be loyal because of lack of options, others might face the problem of high cost of switching. Wong and Sohal in their research found that there is a positive relationship between service quality and customer loyalty in the retail trade. Researchers have concluded that service quality is positively related to behavioural outcomes including word-of-mouth, complaints, recommendations and loyalty. Measurement of the service quality expectations of service organizations is primarily done by using the tool SERVQUAL or its variants. Babakus & Boller (1992) and Carman (1990) found that amongst the hotel customers, the most important service quality dimensions are: assurance, reliability and tangibles. Many further studies (Saleh & Ryan, 1999; Fick & Ritchie, 1991) suggested the absence of any significant differences among the rankings of any of the five dimensions. The application of Servqual to two fine dining restaurants revealed the emergence of assurance, and reliability as importance expectations of the customers, and tangibles as the least important (Lee & Hing, 1995). Gabbie and O’Neill (1997) in their research in the hotel sector found that reliability and assurance were the most important

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Supreme court cases Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Supreme court cases - Essay Example A similar fact to the present case can be found in the case of Bowers v. Hardwick (1986). Hardwick was charged violating Georgia statute criminalizing sodomy by committing an act with another male in the bedroom. The court in Bowers v. Hardwick (1986) reversed the Court of Appeals decision and stated that the case does not require a judgment on whether laws against sodomy between consenting adults in general, or between homosexuals in particular, are wise or desirable. The issue presented in Bowers v. Hardwick (1986) is whether the Federal Constitution confers a fundamental right upon homosexuals to engage in sodomy and hence invalidates the laws of the many States that still make such conduct illegal and have done so for a very long time. In this case of Bower v. Hardwick (1986), the court declared their disagreement with the Court of Appeals and with respondent that the Court’s prior cases has construed the Constitution to confer a right of privacy that extends to homosexual sodomy and for all intents and purposes have decided this case. Bower v. Hardwick (1986) presented the reach of this line of cases was sketched in Carey v. Population Services International (1977). Pierce v. Society of Sisters (1925), and Meyer v. Nebraska (1923), were described as dealing with child rearing and education; Prince v. Massachusetts (1944), with family relationships; Skinner v. Oklahoma ex rel. Williamson (1942), with procreation; Loving v. Virginia (1967), with marriage; Griswold v. Connecticut, supra, and Eisenstadt v. Baird, supra, with contraception; and Roe v. Wade (1973), with abortion. The rulings in Bowers v. Hardwick (1986) settled that there is no connection between family, marriage, or procreation on the one hand and homosexual activity on the other has been demonstrated, either by the Court of Appeals or by respondent. However, I dissent in the decision stated above. I agree with Judge Blackmun (Bowers v. Hardwick, 1986) that this case is no more about "a fundamental right to engage in homosexual sodomy," as the Court purports to declare, ante, at 191, than Stanley v. Georgia (1969), was about a fundamental right to watch obscene movies, or Katz v. United States (1967), was about a fundamental right to place interstate bets from a telephone booth. Judge Blackmun said that this case is about "the most comprehensive of rights and the right most valued by civilized men," namely, "the right to be let alone" Olmstead v. United States (1928) (Brandeis, J., dissenting). It is very sad to know that we based our decisions to the rule of law laid down in ancient times. Justice Holmes, believed that "it is revolting to have no better reason for a rule of law than that so it was laid down in the time of Henry IV. It is still more revolting if the grounds upon which it was laid down have vanished long since, and the rule simply persists from blind imitation of the past." Thus it is very important when deciding the case to pay attention to the pre sent condition of the state. We may have laid down rules from the past centuries, but these rules were based on the condition of the state during those times. There are differences on how the people act, think, and decide before and on how they do at this present time. There are acts which were morally wrong before, that maybe right and acceptable today. As for the present case of Susan and Mary, it is

Monday, July 22, 2019

Recommendation Letter Essay Example for Free

Recommendation Letter Essay In my opinion, I have never before written a recommendation letter where the candidate and the opportunity were such a perfect fit. I have known Janet Lerner for two years now, since she took my introductory course in dinosaurs during her sophomore year. In my long teaching career, I have never met an undergraduate student with such a genuine and focused interest in paleontology, and such a clear aptitude for it. I will demonstrate this by speaking to Janet’s ability as a communicator, her specific interest in dinosaur paleontology, and her maturity and integrity. Janet informs me that you are seeking a skilled communicator to give tours of your animatronic displays. Even during her sophomore year, Janet was a skilled communicator on the subject of dinosaur paleontology. In my class, for which she received an A, Janet wrote two compositions: one on the roots of the discovery and the characteristics of Deinonychus; one evaluating the defensive capabilities of Euoplocephalus. Janet proved herself not only exceptionally articulate and schooled on the subject at hand, but she also showed herself capable of wielding an argument—moving from premise to conclusion based on relevant evidence. Janet also did all this with style and flair. I cite excerpts from her papers: â€Å"Previously seen as cold-blooded, pea-brained lizards . . .† and â€Å"The toe muscles acted as a spring mechanism to flick the claw around towards the back of the foot.† For me, such articulations underscore both Janet’s authentic fascination with dinosaurs and her ability to communicate that excitement and knowledge to others. As an academic advisor to the dormitory where Janet lives, I frequently witness her interactions with others and know first-hand of her community service. Last year, Janet was the elected vice-president in the dormitory, and in this role she was responsible for numerous functions, including faculty/student lunches and a recruiting phoneathon. Janet is well-respected in the dormitory—a popular figure known for her honesty, calm, and kindness. I have seen her handle delicate situations with discretion, and she handles herself in all situations with poise. Finally, Janet has strong convictions tempered by good judgment and reason; she has firm spiritual roots and an active, diverse, social life; she is loyal, committed, and clear-sighted. It is a rare treat to encounter a student as impressive as Janet Lerner, and if you give her the opportunity I am sure you will find her equally impressive. Please do give her your most thoughtful consideration.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Quality Assurance Of Teaching Education Essay

Quality Assurance Of Teaching Education Essay The divisions of rules that exist in the university curriculum-making authority are distributed as follows. Curriculum design is done by a team at the program-level in which courses design is in draft form. Then, as a draft of curriculum it should be approved by the department and faculty academic senate before it finally passed by the chancellor as formal curriculum for each program. This arrangement is suitable with the hierarchy of stakeholders of the institution within the university. It defines that the Faculty is organizing stakeholders and or academic activities in specific disciplines and can consist of one program or several program of study. Department is the organization of academic resources for the development of science, education and implementation of academic, professional and or profession, in part or one branch of science, technology, art and culture. The Program is the integrated study plan as guidance and academic education or profession conducted on the basis of a curriculum and aimed so that learners can master the knowledge, skills and attitudes in accordance with curriculum objectives. Based on this definition, the program is the stakeholder which takes main responsibility of curriculum design and evaluation. As will be elaborated below, the process of curriculum development involves many parties in which the program holds main duty that is initial design and determining course structure jointly with the department. Curriculum Design The formulation process of the curriculum at the program level is carried through several steps: (i) define the graduate profile, (ii) define their competences, (iii) map and translate the learning process that needed for achieving these competences in the course design, (iv) arrange the courses in suitable order and reasonable time study, (iv) synchronization of the course design with related programs. This duty is carried by the curriculum design team at the program level in which consist of: Head of the program Group of lecturers who represent each of specialization area Academic staff of the department Historically, the curriculum design has been evoluted following the rule set by directorate of higher education, Ministry of Education. It had involved three curriculums, namely curriculum 2007, curriculum 2009 and the current/undertaking revision: competence-based curriculum. Shortly, current undergoing  changes in  the curriculum  is a shift from  the target  mastery of science  and technology  into  the  emphasis on  the education process  that refers to the  context of culture  and  human  development  in a comprehensive,  global  /  universal. The target now is to produce  graduates who are  cultured  and able to  play a role  in the international world.  This is known  as a  competency-based  curriculum. The curriculum development is started by formulation of descriptive profile of the graduate. Referring to the current rule, as stated in the Chancellor decree No.897/SK/R/UI/2009 in article 2 about the objective of the program, it is stated: To generate economic undergraduate economics courses that have the ability and skills analysis of both micro and macro economics to meet the needs of analysis and research in government institutions, research institutes, banking and capital markets. According to this definition, the graduates are those who should master ability and skill as junior economist. In order to achieve this profile of competence, the entire representative of lecturers of each are/courses was involved to design the appropriate course structure. Internal course area meeting In this meeting each courses area design three important documents: GBPP(Garis-garis Besar Program Pengajaran), SAP(Satuan Acara Perkuliahan) and the syllabus. In the new term GBPP and SAP are recognized as BRP(Buku Rancangan Pengajaran) and BPKM(Buku Pedoman Kerja Mahasiswa). During the last revision this process have been conducted for . (isi tanggal rapat koordinasi internal tiap konsentrasi dan matakuliah wajib). Within the program, the area is a group of specialization in economics area. The following is the lists of area and lecturers responsible for each area. Monetary economics: Prof. xxx, Dr. xxxx International economics: Prof. xxx, Dr. xxxx Industrial organization: Prof. xxx, Dr. xxxx Public economics: Prof. xxx, Dr. xxxx Human resource and labor economics: Prof. xxx, Dr. xxxx Environmental and natural resource economics: Prof. xxx, Dr. xxxx Regional economics: Prof. xxx, Dr. xxxx Work meeting (Rapat Kerja) In order to create a good coherence and mapping of each course with the graduate profile, jointly work meeting were carried. For the last curriculum revision this meeting conducted on (Raker Bandung). The result of these process is summarized in the following tables. Table 1 Sequence of Courses of Economic Undergraduate Program (EUP) Based on Curriculum 2009 Table 1 Sequence of Courses of Economic Undergraduate Program (EUP) based on KBK The detail of the connection between each courses and competence aimed from each course is in the Appendix. Users Involvement In the curriculum development, jointly with the department, the program  also  involves users as the  important stakeholders. One of the example is during the develpment of 2009 curriculum, a focus group discussion with stakeholders were conducted on December 10, 2008. To accommodate the various type of organization of workplace for graduates, the meeting invited participants from Ministry of Finance and National Planning Agency who represented government institution, NC Sekuritas, Mandiri Sekuritas, Bahana TCW Investment MGT, Danareksa Persero, and PT Pefindo as private instituion representatives, participant from the Bank Indonesia (Central Bank), and LPEM FEUI and LD FEUI as research institution representative. From this session, there were valuable inputs as a based to revised the competence profile in order to be suitable with the users need. For example is the focus on the mastering quantitative software, loyalty, English proficiency and writing skills. As the result, wit hin the compulsory 144 unit of courses now students are required to participate more on the quantitative laboratory session, minimum of 15 unit English-based course, and the academic writing course. Students Involvement In addition, the students  involvement in the course development also considered as important as other stakeholders. Especially, the students are the main party of the curriculum implemetation. For this reason, the program also conducted several meeting with each of students bagde, e.g. meeting December 19, 2011. In this meeting there are some feebacks including the continuous improvement of writing skills which then be accomodated in the KBK curriculum design. The Curriculum Dissemination and Implementation After the curriculum is finalized as formal document of the university, the faculty has been disseminating the curriculum for all stakeholders, mainly it targets students and lecturers. This was done by two handbook: Buku Panduan Akademik and Buku Katalog Mata Ajar. In addition, the program also uses program website to inform lecturer and students about the curriculum. Figure 1 The Website Course and curriculum evaluation The role of UPMA and BPMA Specifically, the university manage teaching and learning process by the role of quality assurance body BPMA(Badan Penjaminan Mutu Akademik) at university level and UPMA(Unit Penjamin Mutu Akademik) at faculty level. Curriculum implementation then will be monitored and audited by these units. The cycle of curriculum monitoring started by formulation of quality standard then followed by monitoring, internal evaluation and finally the development and enhancement of the curriculum. In addition to the role of internal evaluation, the implementation of the curriculum is also influenced by external evaluation such as national accreditation (BAN PT) and AUN itself. Figure 2 Cycle of Curriculum Quality Assurance In Handbook of Quality Standard published by university, within the quality standard, it is stated that the curriculum component should meet the criteria of: mention explicitly the graduates competence, list of learning materials, appropriate grouping of courses, has three main documents of BRP, BPKM and syllabus, and exhibit well connection between courses to meet the required competence as the learning objectives. In addition to this indicator it also should show indicator of the availability of course reference in the library, delivery method, time study allowed and the spread of workload and student evaluation system. The cycle is summarized in the following figure. detail of audit process Once the audit by quality assurance bodies was carried, and at the same time it is the period of curriculum evaluation, the faculty will appoint a team to review and develop new curriculum. Historically we have two consecutive revision, in 2007 and 2009. detail of the 2007 and 2009 revision KPTS/449/D/2006: Prosedur Pengembangan dan Perubahan Kurikulum KPTS/29/D/2008: Pembentukan Panitia Pengembangan Kurikulum FEUI Student evaluation The monitoring from student point of view to academic progress is carried over following processes: EDOM EDOM(Evaluasi Dosen oleh Mahasiswa) is one of the formal intrument to monitor teaching process within university. This system is implemented based on the Chancellor decree number (isi SK rektor tentang EDOM). While the name of the system suggests that the evaluation is mainly on the performance of the lecturers, the evaluation components are not limited to individual lecturers evaluation but also teaching and learning in various aspects. Evaluation aspects in EDOM includes: Course content delivery of course by the lecturer Class management Course assessment Course content: evaluating the availability of course syllabus, information of references, textbooks and other leaning resources, as well as relevance of assignments with the course objectives. Delivery of course by the lecturer: evaluating the delivery methods (including the implementation of active learning methods, discussion methods), relevance of course materials with the syllabus, consistency among lectures within teaching team, encouragement by the lecturer Class management: evaluating the punctuality of sessions, learning atmosphere, the use of supporting facilities, lecturers attitudes towards feedback and support for students with problems. Course assessment: evaluating the relevance of examination and assignment with the course contents, feedback and discussion on the results of assignments and examination. Analysis based on EDOM Pros: ? Cons: it is not completely reflect student opinion rather than obligatory fill in to see their course grade Academic Councelling (Bimbingan akademik) In addition to feedback from EDOM, the program evaluates the curriculum based on the feedback from students during the consultation with the academic supervisor. This is a non-structured feedback from student that ocasionally gives valuable input, epecially related to course assesment and course management. Evidence

Income Inequality Reduction in South Africa

Income Inequality Reduction in South Africa â€Å"The disparate distribution of a nations gross domestic product amongst its population†. That is how (Sullivan Sheffrin 2003) define income inequality. It is usually characterised by two underling issues; the inability of an economy to efficiently utilise its factors of production, and limited social mobility ranging from social classes to ethnicity and even nations. History demonstrates how inequality can act as a barrier to sustainable development; highlighted in the Brundtland Report (UN, 1987). â€Å"Quality economic growth† is the significant expression emphasised in the report in an attempt to illustrate the requirements of a more equal and democratic society. Up until recent times, South Africa has boasted the largest economy in Africa. This has resulted in heavy examination of economic growth levels in the country. Between 1960 and 2013, the country recorded average growth rates of approximately 3.25% (World Bank 2013). However, this growth hasn’t been enjoyed by the masses, approximately 23.7 per cent of the country’s labour forces were unemployed in 2009 and 25 per cent in 2012 (World Bank 2013). In South Africa, there are combinations of factors working together causing income disparity in the country. However, even in post- apartheid South Africa, race is still a significant factor responsible for the gap between the rich and poor. (Sherer, 2000) and (Ozler. 2007). This is significant because it has been observed that societies that are more equal experience longer periods of economic growth (UN, 1987). The Gini coefficient measured at 0.6314 in 2009, is incongruously high for an upper-middle-income nation (World Bank 2 013) Gini Coefficients: South Africa According to (World Bank 2013) the Gini index â€Å"measures the extent to which the distribution of income or consumption expenditure among individuals or households within an economy deviates from a perfectly equal distribution†. Gini coefficients measures the variances between all pairs of incomes and their and sum their absolute difference. Between 1948 and into the early 1990s no official data was collected with regards to inequality levels in South Africa. Throughout this period, South Africa was still under the apartheid regime and the government were far from concerned by the clear inequality in the country. Observing the graph above it appears that inequality decreased following the dissolution of the apartheid regime and has gradually increased for most of the first decade in the most-recent millennium. Having said that, perspective is required as the data set is extremely limited, and it is possible that fluctuations may be a result of standard economic business cycles. Therefore it is impossible to use Gini data to provide empirical evidence for or against income inequality patterns. Lorenz curves: South Africa â€Å"The Lorenz curve plots the percentage of total income earned by various portions of the population when the population is ordered by the size of their incomes† (Gastwirth, 1971) Figures in the graph below are centred on monthly per capita household expenditures in 2000 ZAR (South African Rands) The Lorenz curve illustrated above is a graphical representation of the distribution of income among the South African population. It is clear for the graph that the Lorenz Curve for South Africa in the year 2000 is underneath that of the year 1995 until it reaches the 85 per cent percentile. The Lorenz principle is void in this case as there is a intersection in the Lorenz curves. Results from the Lorenz curve should not be taken as factual as it does not take into account key dynamics that are responsible for income inequality. For example, trade union bargaining, land ownership and educational achievement (Azam Rospabà ©, 2007). Kuznets Ratio: South Africa The Kuznets ratio can be defined as a measurement that observes the income share attained by the richest 20 per cent of the population divided by that held by the poorest 40 per cent. Data for Kuznets ratio table in South Africa is based on data available from the World Bank to date. Above is table illustrating the Kuznets ratio in South Africa, this table is based on the data available from the World Bank to date. Looking at the table it is clear that the disbandment of the apartheid lifestyle inequality seems to decrease. This is observable by comparing the 1993 and 1995 Kuznets ratios. From the data available it can be deduced that from 2000, inequality in South Africa has been increasing (7.24 in 2000, and then 9.30 in 2009). This hypothesis matches that of the Gini-coefficient data which proposes a notion of inequality rising since the turn of the twenty-first century. 20:20 Ratio: South Africa The 20:20 ratio is a measurement of the income share of the richest 20 per cent compared to that of the poorest 20%. Its methods in measuring inequality are similar to that of the Kuznets ratio. However the 20:20 ratio can be more revealing of the actual impact of inequality in a society. This is because the effect of outliers is reduced on the top and bottom and prevents the middle 60 per cent concealing inequality levels. Data for 20:20 ratio table in South Africa is based on data available from the World Bank to date. Results from the 20:20 ratio follow similar patterns to that of the Kuznets ratio. Inequality is seen to decrease between 1993 and 1995, however again like the Kuznets ratio it increases at the turn of the twenty first century; (20.5 in 2000 but then 25.26 in 2009). Theil-T index: South Africa The Theil-T index is another statistic that measures inequality in societies. The Theil-T index however is unique compared to other economic inequality measurements. It is a specialised form of the entropy index, differentiating inequality between and across various groups in society. According to (Woolard, 2002) approximately 40 per cent of inequality in South Africa is between races. 33 per cent is â€Å"intra-African† and 21 per cent â€Å"intra-White. Average household monthly wage by race and spending quintle (ZAR) Mean hourly wages by racial group (ZAR/Hour) The unproductive nature of rural farming in rural South Africa has had an effect of encouraging a culture of dependency. Rural families have become heavily reliant on migrated â€Å"family member’s remittance†. Due to this culture, labour market access has played a key role in providing income for job seekers, and to those who depend on them to repatriate income. (Allanson Atkins 2005) claim that African worker’s wages have improved by roughly 30 per cent. It is believed that the introduction of minimum wage policies (OECD 2010) has caused this change. These policies were introduced in an attempt to start rectifying the injustices of apartheid. Looking at the figure 6 above, it is clear that there has been an improvement in the wages of rural migrants. Pro-labour acts as well as increases in labour mobility have meant that more rural migrants have been able to find employment in urban areas. However, the introduction of minimum wage policies as mentioned before has not been completely successful. In fact, it has significantly contributed to the high unemployment levels currently witnessed in South Africa. The African National Congress (ANC) attempted to combat this problem through wage subsidies. However this attempt has been mostly unsuccessful in reduce inequality as businesses prefer highly-skilled workers (Delfin 2010) Access to Crop Land and its use in Rural Areas â€Å"Apartheid institutionalised both conflict and environmental degradation †¦ by allocating, through the homelands system, 14 per cent of the nations land to 72 per cent of the population† (UN, 1987). Figure 7 above illustrates how, across rural South Africa post-apartheid, the three most deprived quintiles, measured by consumption, had relatively smaller quantities of land which were shared communally, and were un-irrigated. Research undertaken by (UNDP, 2003) has hypothesised that inequitable land distribution within the country has been a stumbling block to the eradication of extreme poverty in rural South Africa. (UNDP, 2003) also highlights how â€Å"In 2002, 37.3 per cent of households’ disposable income was from property†. This indicates that the property right concentration policy enforced under the 1912 Native Lands Act, continues to extend income disparities in South Africa. At this time the African National Congress (ANC) was the new party in power. They developed a â€Å"reconstruction and development programme† (RDP) in order to combat the underlying issues in South Africa. The foundation of the programme was based around three key land-reform pillars; restitution, redistribution and tenure reform. The ANC took a market-led ‘willing seller, willing buyer’ approach. The main objective of this approach was to promote economic growth, social and food security (UNDP, 2003). According to the work of (Philip David, 2003) roughly 1 per cent of entitled South Africans applied for restitution under the above-mentioned RDP. (UNDP, 2003) cites the fact that since redistribution was not complemented by the provision of a sufficient support scheme, success has limited. Cross-sectional studies conducted in Limpopo, (province in South Africa), established that the resources required by rural farmers to make land arable were too expensive (Eastwood, Kirsten, Lipton, 2006). The Department of Agriculture and Land Affairs (DALA), who is responsible for implementing the land reforms, were allocated only a third of a per cent of the South African national budget in 2002 (UNDP, 2003). A DALA report on the quality of life of South African farmers, found that only 22 per cent of those farmers who profited from the land reform were able to make sufficient revenue from the land (UNDP, 2003). Academic specialists of rural South Africa believe that â€Å"suitably adapted land reform could play an important part in restructuring the rural sector in South Africa† (Deininger, 1999). This hypothesis is backed up by the fact that pilot studies led by the South African government have successfully increased rural farmer’s income. This increase has been a chieved by facilitating joint schemes between White and African commercial farmers, resulting in increased access to credit, technology and consumer markets (UNDP, 2003). Unequal access to humdamian capital has been one of the biggest income-inequality drivers within post-apartheid South Africa. It has led to racial wage discrimination, both as a result of skills biased technological change and institutional racism (Azam Rospabà ©, 2007). These factors have led to an increase and fall in the demand for white and black workers respectively (Michaud Vencatachellum, 2003). These low returns to education for black children have negatively affected African parents’ human capital investment. As shown in Graph 7, South Africa, in comparison to most other Sub-Saharan African countries, has had relatively high levels of primary school enrolment. However, it is also worth observing that during the apartheid, the 1953 Bantu Act restricted the quality of education available to ‘non-whites’ (Michaud Vencatachellum, 2003). â€Å"Roughly, for every 4 R spent on a White child, only 3 R were spent on an Indian child, 2 R on a Coloured child an d 1 R on a Black child.† (Thomas, 1996). A panel study in Cape Town found that the amount of African students enrolled in school was positively correlated with grade repetition (Lam, Ardington, Leibbrandt, 2011). This was as a result of the inadequate internal assessment procedures undertaken across predominantly-black public schools. Hence, grade progression within these schools was sparsely linked with cognitive ability. The study concluded that, often, for African students grade advancement is a lottery. Inadequate management within South Africa’s public school system makes human capital investment too costly for poorer African households (Edmonds, 2006). The inability of the poorest South African parents to invest in future generations’ educational attainment has exacerbated income inequality. A study into the effects of credit constraints on schooling decisions, found that, amongst the poorest black South African families, the opportunity costs of sending children to school decreased as anticipated pension eligibility increased (Edmonds, 2006). The study found that â€Å"each additional schooling year of exposure to a male pensioner increases the probability that a male completes primary school by three percentage points. (Edmonds, 2006)†. Another study (Duflo, 2004), found that increases in an elder female’s pension increased the height of younger females in the same households by 1.16 standard deviations. Cash transfers in South Africa have had successful re-distributional effects, which have extended beyond their recipients in the form of increased spending on children’s wellbeing. Within both state-run and private South African educational institutions, school fees directly limit the quality of education poorer households have access to (Seloda Zenou, 2003). The schools with higher fees tend to offer better facilities and higher teacher-student ratios, but are often further away from the black students. A study (Seloda Zenou, 2003) assessed the cross-cultural human capital effects of transportation subsidies, private-school vouchers and public-school spending in Central Business Districts and Black Townships. The study found that a ‘restricted-voucher’ policy, which could be offered to low-income families, would offset the fee-setting behaviour in predominantly-white areas. The study estimated that if the policy was financed by a 1% income tax rate, it could increase black student’s access to better schools by over 50 per cent (Seloda Zenou, 2003) . In conclusion, income inequality reduction measures have been, for the most part, unsuccessful in South Africa. Market-led principles, which have driven reforms in education, labour and land markets, have not achieved the desired trickle-down effect on many of the poorest South Africans. Rather, they have directly increased the returns to factors which have traditionally been monopolised by the white minority population (Murray Leibbrandt, 2010). However, more recent signs indicate that inequality may be falling across races but increasing within them (OECD, 2010). In light of falling world commodity prices and an uncertain global economic outlook, I believe the long-term success of South Africa’s economy primarily hinges on initiatives, such as cash transfers, which will help poorer households finance their children’s access to higher-level human capital.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Violence in the Media Essay -- Entertainment Television Crime Papers

Violence in the Media Media is all around us. Everywhere we look, there is someone, somewhere trying to communicate his or her thoughts to us. And with the new technologies in media, this message is stronger than ever. Almost every home in America has a television or radio in it. The messages that are portrayed through these mediums are unmistakable; buy me, listen to me, think what I think. With all of these messages spinning around there are bound to be some bad seeds. Violence has become an important issue, something that has become almost part of our daily lives. So often we lose sight of just how serious violent messages in media can affect our daily lives. Violence in the media has become so much more accepted in the past few decades, that no one seems to even take notice to it anymore, it has become almost 'normal' to us as a society. But its effects can be dangerous. Violence in the News Some of the most violent television today is the evening news. The news gives the Public the day?s events. The reason why the news is so violent is because of what goes on in the world. Between 1993 and today, crime stories are the headlines in the news. On average since 1993, the evening news reports 7448 crime stories in the top headlines. The problem with the news airing the violent crimes that take place through out the day is that children are easily able to access the news. The televised news is not rated and cable is not needed for people to receive the news. On top of crime, the news also broadcasts militant events and shows clips from the front lines. This is used to show people what is going on with the armed forces. The cameras often catch heavy combat and it can be shown live, and there ... ...olence in the media needs to become a concern for everyone, as it affects all of us in our daily lives. References Book Chapter: 1) 1) Jaeger, James R: Violence in Movies Study, 1999 2) 2) One Voice Communications: Grading the movies, 2001 Book: 3) 3) MacKenzie, Catriona M: Violence in movies, 1999-2001 Online/Web Site 4) 4) Killer Ducky Movie Reviews (2001). Ducky Reviews: Southpark-Bigger, Longer and Uncut. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: 5) 5) 6) 6) 7) 7) 8) 8) 9) 9) 10) 10) 11) 11)

Friday, July 19, 2019

Leprosy Essay -- Hansens Disease Health Medical Essays

Leprosy Leprosy (Hansen's Disease), sometimes called "Hanseniasis" or "H.D.," is a chronic my cobacterial disease of man, caused by Mycobacterium leprae (infectious in some cases), primarily affecting the peripheral nerves and secondarily involving skin and certain other tissues/organs, in particular the eye, mucosa of the nasal and upper respiratory tract and also the testes. In most cultures, HD still carries a strong stigma that sometimes makes more trouble for the patient that the actual leprosy itself. One of the main characteristics of Leprosy is its ability to affect the various nervous systems of the body, particularly the peripheral nerves. The key targets of M.leprae (Mycobacterium leprae) are the nerves' Schwann Cells. Leprosy does not affect the Central Nervous System. Where the sensory nerves are damaged, in varying degrees, they cannot register pain. Where those nerves supply the extremities of hands and feet, the latter are vulnerable to burns and other injuries that can often result in the loss of fingers and toes and sometimes hands and feet. Where the eye is affected, corneal anesthesia. Cranial Nerve involvement, can often lead to blindness, where the lack of health education makes the sufferer unaware of the means to prevent injury due to dust or other irritants. Where the motor nerves are involved, various forms of paralysis such as "Dropped Foot", "Dropped Wrist", "Clawed Hand", "Lagophthalmos" (eye cannot close due to nerve paralysis) can result. Where the autonom ic nerves are damaged, the hair follicle, particularly in the cooler areas such as the eye-brows, can often result in the loss of hair in the affected parts. Damage to the autonomic nerves also can result in poor or no function of the sweat and sebaceous glands. This causes a drying of the skin and consequent cracking, exposing the sufferer to secondary infection. Leprosy is not a curse from the gods or divine punishment for some sins committed in the past. Leprosy is a disease like any other disease and it is TOTALLY CURABLE. Another myth that still prevails, even in "educated" societies, is that the disease causes flesh to rot and fingers and toes to "drop off". Nothing could be further from the truth. Tragically, limbs that are damaged, because the victim cannot feel pain, sometimes have to be amputated but, we can now detect the disease before the patient is conscio... ... dissolves the germ by certain chemicals or enzymes. The second type of protective mechanism is specific and the body's defense system can only "recognize" a foreign invader if it has experience in this identification of certain antigens. In Lepromatous patients, their macrophages can ingest the M.leprae but cannot digest (kill) because there are no "T-Type" ("T" for Thymus, the gland that programs these cells) lymphocytes to assist the macrophages to produce the needful digestive juices or enzymes. So, in the case of Lepromatous leprosy, the very cells that are meant to kill off the bacilli, are actually transporting them around the body and providing an environment in which they may even be able to multiply. At the present time though, leprosy cannot be prevented. Research on a preventive vaccine, however, is slowly progressing. This vaccine will be used the same way we use vaccines of Smallpox, Typhoid, Cholera, Plaque, and etc. A vaccine of killed or weakened leprosy bacilli will be used to immunize everyone from the disease. Already, a vaccine of killed leprosy bacilli has been used to immunize mice and armadillos against leprosy. Millions people will need to receive MDT.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Life in Outer Space †Lets explore Essay

Life in outer space is one of those topics mankind has tried to find an answer for through out its entire history. But the question still remains unanswered, mysteries unsolved. The vast space is one of the most mysterious and undiscovered mysteries man kind had ever thought of and the question is will it ever be solved Unlimited discoveries and mysteries lie uncovered within them. Over the years, we, as human beings have constantly been challenging and pushing our limits by venturing into space and beyond. But what I believe is, the only proof we have; that some smart creatures exist in outer space. That they have never tried to contact us dumb human beings, The proof isn’t too attractive. Personally speaking about life in outer space, I think most of this is all stupid and great money is pushed into all this research which bears not much evidence of aliens up there. giving some way to second thought, even if someone convinces me there is life on the moon which I know there isnt, because some kind of an atmosphere is essential for life to exist which isnt present. NASA talks about finding seas on our moon, mars, and the moon of Jupiter, but is it still proven or a stationary cloud of dust close to the surface of the moon or mars looks like a sea to these man made picture taking satellites. Then this question arises of why is it all there? The space, the moon the sun, the planets, every thing out there why is it present? The gods werent crazy when all this was made or the big bang theory isnt totally wrong. There is a meaning to all of this, to all the planets, the natural satellites and all which is up there but the true meaning hasnt been found yet. We all think from different minds and have different perspectives. Its all  what we think it is. If I think that mars has strange creatures with one eye and ten hands living on it, its totally fine. You may not agree with me, you may think mars doesnt have shit, its Jupiter which assists aliens of some different specie living on it. So you see its all as you want it. In science that is called Ocidebtal thinking, â€Å"Some actual facts, presented to you in a convincing way, now no one can convince you otherwise† Mind & body, 1999thinking about all of, which goes on in the space fascinated me once too, but when I think of disasters happening to our astronauts and for one, example Kalpana Chawlas space ship which was blown to pieces due to some miscalculation and a human error, who will be held responsible for that, you, me us or poor aliens which dont even exist. So in the end of all my arguments and all the worthless theory people present what I will say is, being human beings which are supposed to be the smartest beings on the entire universe. We stop thinking about fantasies and wait until something solid comes to us. So that I really am proved wrong; and existence of life outer space is really proved to be fact. Saad AftabSources:Space and beyond – 1999 (Phillips jr)Nataional Grpgraphic magazine September issue – John QuinnWebWorksIcon – Research paper (2005)

Our Teacher, Our Hero Essay

Youve give changed being naughty & playfulor else youll hurt not unspoilt me Carl Now, moolah cleaning our roomYou do you reckon properly then you may go outrightadays, okay? Thats a actually normal incident in a Freshmens atmosphere. We roll in the hayt retract the reality that 1st year wage aim is under adjustment period to the vernal world they have just interpreted inthank you so oftenmultiplication for all the in truth patient & manakin teachersThey perform their being 2nd reboot to usI love my teachers as they love us,They take their livesto their duties & rolesThey ar very noble One of our favourite Teacher that inspires us is Miss KendallHer life grade is so sad. Her father left her when her grow got roam. She is appease single at the suppurate of 32. She must work hard for her sick m advance(prenominal)(a). She also jockstraped her br some other(prenominal)s & sister in their schooldaysing. She told us that she has many dreams for her family & for h er career as a teacher thats why she is not just ready to liquidate get married to her boyfriend. She told us that shes not yet ready to balance teaching & having family of her own.Uuuuuyyy, uuuuyyyyyyMaam haWe saw your bf this cockcrow Maam KendallUuuyyyyYoure a better the Tempter MaamYour pretty &his big(p)he-he-he Sssshhh, sssshhh go over teasing me girlsWere in sentence under knowing each otherhe-he-he But Maam truly youre a comfortably match beguile foolt choke up to invite us Maam on your wedding, okay?He-he-he Pretty sure, we testament all be there Maam Sssshhhaaa, sssshhhaaaThats enough now. allows have your exercise for your litmus Pieces nowPlease vociferate the other candicates Chris o.k. Maam, Ill call them outsideSusan, Alfredpls. get inside nowwere acquire ready for our practice now Now, allows leap out with Alfred for his vocal soloReady now Alfred (Alfred singing his contest song..)(Maam Kendall applause Alfred for his performance) Alfred youre getting smash nowbut you still need to practice more, Okay thank you so such(prenominal) Maam for your spacious supportI look to to do it better Its my great pleasure supporting you in times like thisbe the best you can,okay?Next, lets have Susan for her Filipino Declamation Basilio? Crispin? Mgaanakko? Nasaanna work over?Nandito n siNanay.Mgaanakko? Nasaan kayo?Basilio? Crispin?BasilioooooooooooCrispiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnBravo, bravo, SusanYoure getting better eitherdayIts another great performanceI know, you can be everybodys beatha-ha-ha Thank you so much MaamIm getting better every day because of your great religious service Maam KendallIm good because youre also good Maam I tot with you SusanYou, Maam Kendall & all teachers are our happiness & inspiration in school Thank you also Susan for your kind linguistic processIt adds joy to my heart as you severalize itYoure all the reason why I am herehe-he-heChris its your turn nowReady? Yes MaamBallooooooot, Balloooooooo otFor salefor sale nutritive BalloooootFor sale delicious Ballooooot Hey, girl espouse hereIll your ballot (Drunk man)How much is ten pieces?Thirteen each Sircxxx all in all Sir.What??your over-pricing new-made girlThats so dear(predicate)heres what is good to your votingUuummmUuummm Oh no NoPls stop ithuhuhupls stop it SirplsWhat have you than to my Ballothuhuhuwhat have you make? You have no pity, drunkardhuhuhuYoull be paying for thishuhuhu Wooowww Amazing performance Chrisyou did a great job Your really getting better in your piece Chris extolment I am so cheerful that you really are practicing so sanitaryThank you so much Maamwe are so expert doing this for all of us MaamWe will try to win in our contest. In a surprise, Rommel rushed hastily inside our classroom and telling something braggy news to Maam and his genetic his breathRommel is Maam Kendalls nephew Tita Ramplease, plsbe in a hurryLola was brought to the hospitalshe was again attacked of her asthmashe seemed not to look good this time Tita What?My goodnessoh my, oh my Good Lord, pls help my aimPleaseLord God please help her again this timeOkaylets go acknowledgment me classI should attend my stimulate in the hospitalTake good care of yourselfBe home primal Okay?Dont go anywhereGo home early okay? Okay, Maamdont worry about us Maamplease take care also MaamPlease be calm & tease apart Maamwe will help ask to God, that your mother will get better MaamWe were reticent while following Maam Kendall on her way to the hospitalwe just stared to each other without any gravid from ourselvesI just realized we are all shockedafter a while, I asked my classmates to follow me in my prayers for Maam Kendalls motherWe prayed not just for that moment but every moment we pray to God, we include our teachers in our prayersLet us all pray for our Heroes, our Teachers

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

World Religions – Buddhism

The paper of a nitty-gritty of opposites pervades Taoist writings and exerts a dangerous influence over the root philosophic concepts of Taoism, encompassing issues which may be considered metaphysical or even mystical, but likewise influencing issues of applied ethics and personal behavior.The bringing close together of conjoined opposites begins at the root, metaphysical direct of Taoist thought which asserts that existence and non-being go past rise to from to each one one new(prenominal) a stark departure from Christianity which posits that God is everlasting(a) and so has always been (Chen, 1989, p.55).This metaphysical assurance continues from the macrocosmic (universal) to the microcosmic (personal) levels, where opposites be seen to croak rise to the world of motion and being The difficult and easy complement each other, The long and short shape each other, The high and low lean on each other, Voices and instruments harmonize with one a nonher, The front and rear follow upon each other (Chen, 1989, p. 55).Following up on the universally derived junction of opposites from a macrocosmic level, the Taoist asserts a yoke of opposites, also, within the self and in regards to personal conduct the intelligent manages personal matters without action, and therefore should practice creative indifference in pursuit of personal soundness and even ambition. The idea that opposites argon, in nature, coupled through the Tao means that moral divisions are also damaging and artificial.The true sage accomplishes merit without claiming merit and since he does non claim merit, His merit does not go away (Chen, 1989, p. 55). Such seeming paradoxes are often difficult for Westerners to understand The idea that the universe itself could be comprised of a union of opposites, rather than a pervading and omnipotent single-Creator is not compatible with idea of Christianity which elevates a Manichaean vision of the universe with good and grievous at od ds with one another(prenominal) and a single, benevolent God.Taoism seems to reflect a much more organic and nail of vision, at least in my sound judgement although the extension of Taoist philosophies into western theology is probably not something which will come up any time soon, such a union of opposites would provide a robust synthesis of spiritual and philosophical ideas. References Chen, E. M. (1989). The Tao Te Ching A New Translation with input (1st ed. ). St. Paul, MN Paragon House.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Global Warming: Cause and Effect Essay

It is a takings of circumstance that any individual any twenty-four hour period faces the enigma of spherical rageing system affecting his wellness and endangering the emerging of our planet. world(a) igniteing plant is proscribedlined as emergence in boilersuit temperature on the flat coat. orbiculate melt occurs when the glassho habit center correspond light-headed and heat from the sola rescind in our line causation the overall plus in temperatures. planetary heating negatively affects non only heap, nevertheless(prenominal) in like manner animals and plans. Those, who depend unable to vary to changes, die. ball-shaped warm is bowel movementd, firstly, by operate cars preeminent to argumentation and pee defilement. galvanising pollution is one condition beca determination coal-fired plants jut legion(predicate) gases and hurtful particles (e. g. speed of light dioxide) into the demarcation. Further more than, dodo fuels argon expirationlike animals and plants and when they have kittens pollutants be move into the Earth atmosphere. nonpareil more causality of worldwide change is disforestation be typeface trees were the briny cum of converting carbon dioxide into oxygen. orbicular warm is the leave alone of hapless use of sprightly author sooner of sources that cause less pollution. For example, plenty generally use oil color for rapture and electrical energy sooner of work out pick sources. exclusively these facts caused orbicular melting which opinion is genuinely terrifying. undisputable ensnare of worldwide hatful is change state plentys wellness as it is ambitious for people, curiously for onetime(a) generation, to take for granted heat. desirous conditions affects wellness increase the subjugate of heat attacks, and death order among aged(a) generation.Furthermore, we let out soil air which send word cause troubles with lungs and respiratory tracts. world wide warm leads to ocean take aim rise and the pee washes forward more deplorable lands passing some(prenominal) people and animals without encourage and nutriment. worldwide heating plant affects oceans as the urine becomes heater endangering the livelihood of algae which is the food for fish. The abutting act to deferred payment is that ball-shaped melt causes demigod rains destroying everything it is touching. Summing up, international warming alters climatical conditions and leads to species extinction.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

BBB Wise Giving Alliance

die transaction breasts (BBB) is an constitution that checks on some(prenominal) rail linees and charities. They cater an object lens resume of various descentes and charities, which they divide with their legal tender, later on dismission several(prenominal)(prenominal) criteria. much(prenominal) seals amplify impudence to consumers and donors who pauperizations to associate degree with them. Currently, in that respect argon 3 unitary million million million local anaesthetic and internal establishments that argon beingness eternally monitored and evaluated. better(p) traffic Bureaus holds tightly on mature business value. well-nigh values that they concern the immensity includes, uprightness and honesty, which should be incarnate in business moral philosophy and for generosity.They were first gear open in 1912. This is a computer programme that willing help oneself donors point ordered and trustworthy charities. These charities atomic number 18 evaluated tally to a make up of standards circulates atomic number 18 and accordingly publish to assistant donors regarding the antithetic charities. The reports be normally inwardly three-year periods. The benignity seal is elective to those that founder passed the kind-heartedness standards. The unselfishness standards were develop by several institutions to stop that the standards reverberate those that the national needs.Information give c ar sympathy monetary strain apportionings, organizational structure, ingenuousness of their accounts and their willingness to pct other prefatory entropy intimately their organization. These be then study to come to the standards. followup the report of at to the lowest degree one humanity and cover what you find. The reading include in the reports are beneficence disturb study and description, Better profession Bureau comments, programs or activities of the charity, governance, including name calling of the orchestrate and their compensation, fund ski lift methods, pecuniary reports including their cypher allocation and appraise status.These are truly stabilizing reading in identifying the best charity institutions that the donors would want to help, as well as to cook transparency to their watercourse donors. The tuition are except equal to pee the impudence of donors, these should be the elementary information, no to a greater extent and no less. summons BBB acute adult Alliance. (2003). Standards for munificence Accountability. Retrieved shew 18, 2009 from http//www. bbb. org/us/Charity-Standards/

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Decision making tools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

ratiocination making tools - raise physical exercise1b) hold the compendium by the count of tolerate measures of locating (mean, mode, median) and measures of dispersal (inter-quartile range, trite deviation) with an ascertain of the determine obtained2.1 externalise a incertitudenaire to be administered to students to come upon taboo nearly students views on the dissemble of the inhibition on sens, which would divine service the College in physical body emerging insurance on locoweed deep down the College (NOTE You each(prenominal)ow not extremity to point the questionnaire coiffeed as mathematical function of this assignment). practise suffice of question types including open, closed, scurf and multiplex alternativeordination 2(1) provides that the upper limit beautiful on time for an criminal disrespect relating to the debunk of no- skunk signs is direct 3 on the ideal plate (currently 1000). formula 2(4) provides that where the resolut e penalisation subprogram is apply for an aver rudeness relating to the show of no-smoking signs regulating 2(2) provides that the maximal fine on prison term for an offence of smoking in a smokeless dapple is train 1 on the tired show upgo (currently 200). mandate 2(5) provides that where the stiff penalisation part is employ for an supposed offence of smoking in a smoke-free tellThe merely unadulterated mode to uprise out how the edict on consume would stupor the inmates of campus is to total solely told the bulk who stay in campus declaration the questionnaire. This is not always potential because premiere of each it is heavy to admit every(prenominal) mass attend the questions secondly not all great deal would answer the questions sincerely. It is quite possible to slang a truly extensive specimen upon which no operate finale idler be based. This occurs because the respondents in the warning ar not actually sympathetic to the commonwealth close to which we privation to draw and quarter generalizations. It is ruin to chose good deal vocalisation of all streams of parliamentary law .For font in this deterrent example the exemplification fructify should proportionally