Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Ceo Pay And Corporate Governance - 2305 Words

TABLE OF CONTENTS Is CEO Pay Too High and Are Incentives Too Low? P.1 CEO Pay and Corporate Governance in the U.S.: Perceptions, Facts, and Challenges P.2 Not-for-Profit Hospital CEO Performance and Pay: Some Evidence from Connecticut P.3 Chief Executive Compensation: An Empirical study of Fat Cat CEOs P.4 Pay for Performance? CEO Compensation and Acquirer Returns in BHCs P.5 Boards of Directors, CEO Ownership, and the Use of Non-Financial Performance Measures in the CEO Bonus Plan P.6 Is CEO Cash Compensation Punished for Poor Firm Performance? P.7 The CEO Share Of Earnings: A New Approach To Evaluating Executive Compensation P.8 Core, J., Guary, W. (2010). Is CEO Pay Too High and Are Incentives Too Low? A Wealth Based Contracting†¦show more content†¦The researchers suggest leveraging rewarding CEOs with company stock rather than other forms of financial compensation. Kaplan, S. (2013). CEO Pay and Corporate Governance in the U.S.: Perceptions, Facts, and Challenges. Journal of Applied Corporate Finance., 25(2), 8-25. The researcher of this article evaluated a large range of prior evidence and studies pertaining to the perception that have been previously formulated concern the compensation of a CEO and the governance surrounding organizations in the United State. The researcher evaluated the following perceptions that CEOS are currently, being over compensated for their performance and their compensation is constantly increasing, CEO may be actually being under paid for their performance in organizations, and finally that an organization’s board of director does not take proper action on CEOs who have poor performance. The author cites several past studies and prior research on each of the perceptions above to conclude that CEO pay has actually been decreasing since the 2000’s despite seeing an increase in the 1990’s. The researcher does suggest that the decline in CEO pay may actually be resulting in higher performing CEO’s are not being paid enough. The CEO pay for organizations listed on the SP 500 are lowest

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Nazi Germany regulation and controll of the art produced between 1933 and 1945 Essay Example For Students

Nazi Germany regulation and controll of the art produced between 1933 and 1945 Essay Nazi Germany regulated and controlled the art produced between 1933 and 1945 to ensure they embodied the values they wished to indoctrinate into the German people. The notion of volk people and blut und boden soil and blood was championed in paintings to glorify an idealized rural Germany and instill a sense of superiority in the Nordic physicality. Highly veristic and asthetisized works romanticized everyday subjects and reiterated redundant stereotyped Nazi ideals of the human body and its purposes in the Reich. Paintings of Adolf Hitler valorized and his image to heroic status, even to the extent of deification, elevating him to a god-like status. By promoting Hitler as superior to the average person, the artist made Hitler a mythological being who, if followed with unconditional religious piety, would lead the Germanic race to an ideal future. The architecture, or so-called ideology in stone, was also a vessel for political ideology. The monumental buildings served to construct a pseudo-history to authenticate the stable, strong and righteous nature of the thousand year Reich. Thus, art in the Third Reich was merely a form of propaganda that insidiously promoted the superiority of the Nordic race, the need for loyalty and obedience and the invulnerability of the German nation. Images of the Nordic peasant endorsed a return to a pre-industrial idyllic rural Germany. The oil painting Kalenberg Farm Family, by Adolf Wissel, depicts an intimate domestic situation of a family relaxing, presumably after a day of working the land, in a tranquil natural setting. It is an easily accessible work, that the Dadaist Duchamp would label retinal art, as it is an aesthetically motivated and stylistically anti-modernist piece. The rich warm colours are inviting, serving to emphasize the serenity and timelessness of the scene. The composition is extremely ordered, controlled, and dignified, there is no indication of social unrest under the rule of the Third Reich, it is an ideal Utopia where the every day person a subject worthy of intense interest. This is a blatant celebration of the virtues of a simple rural life that in reality did not exist as it presents the family in such positive and reverent way, a stereotyped perfect standard for German families to aspire to. This was an extremely popular subject as indicated by the multitudes of paintings that were similar in genre, for example Rest During the Harvest by George Gunter, and Farm Girls returning from the Fields by Leopold Schmutzter. Hitler said that art should be the expressions of the soul and ideals of the community and these painting certainly do present the ideals of life that the National Socialists chose to privilege. These values in turn, like a circulatory motion encouraged the feelings and values of the German people who saw it, by instilling a sense of national pride in a wholesome and righteous life dictated by the Nazi values. Nazi ideology is also illustrated by Ploughing, by Julius Paul Junghan; this is more specifically linked to the notion of blood and soil. A person who works with the land achieves a spiritual unity with it, so that they become a part of the natural world and integral to both the continuances of its fertility and yours. The painting displays this ancient German ideology that was appropriated and extended by the Nazis to rationalize the policy of Lebensraum or living space so that the superior Nordic race could control over and order the land of other inferior nations. The oil landscape painting depicts a man reigning three sturdy workhorses with an archaic plow. The eyes are drawn from the three horses to the intellectual force behind the action with sweeping converging lines, thus ploughing the land is a collective action, shared between farmer and animal, working towards a better field, or in symbolic terms a better Germany. Again a highly romanticized image of life entwined with nature is presented to manipulate the viewer, it forces them to connect hard work to achieve a collective goal plowing the soil ready for planting with moral righteousness. This theme is reiterated repeatedly almost to exhaustion in such works as Ploughing in the Evening by Willy Jackel, and The Sower by Oskar Martin-Ambach. The Nazi ideals are embodied more implicitly in Ploughing than Kalenburg Farm Family, as on a sub-conscious level the positive view of expansionist values, the farmer representing a hard working Germany, who is regulator of the land representing European countries, acts to subtly alter personal views on the Nazi situation. Water Sports painted by Albert Janesh in 1936 is a prime example of the way National Socialists encouraged, through the commissioning of the piece, collective action and the superiority of the Germanic body. There is a great sense of movement in this veristic depiction of a canoe race, where so-called examples of the perfection of the pure blood male Aryans harmoniously working together in their respective teams. Arm Teachers to Stop School Violence EssayHitler said that the buildings should not be conceived for the year 1942, nor for the 2000, but like the cathedrals of the past they will stretch into the millennium of the future. The strong vertical lines and noble pillars are marked by an heroic severity of tone, and a deliberate heaviness or sense of the monumental aids in the construction of it being and eternal structure. By drawing on neo-classical designs and in turn ancient Grecian and Roman styles, the building imbues a sense of pseudo-history in the people. The inset windows create art fortress like, and add to the idea of an impenetrable and invulnerable building, and therefore Germany. The building was constructed to be a physical testament to the power of the National Socialist Party, and proof that they had the strength to lead the Germanic people into a future of prosperity and above all stability. Thus a sense of national pride was induced, and a confidence in the competence of the Nazis way of life occurred. There was an extremely deliberate effort to influence the way people acted around such establishments. It was monumental in its size, practically towering over the people below, thus insinuating that it is not the individual who counts in the long run, rather it homogenous mass that is remembered. The buildings such as the Fuhrer building, and the House of German Law act as symbols of teamwork and conformity, the straight vertical columns are like the lines of soldiers marching in unison. The highly symmetrical nature of the monumental buildings and lack of decorative features evoked a sense of militaristic order and balance, and induced a formal behavior from citizens. The bare Spartan qualities were perhaps an attempt to embody ancient Roman virtues and nobility into the common German citizen, thus to encourage the sacrificing of personal time and effort for the greater good of the nation. The swastika symbol and the eagle were often prominent features of Nazi architecture. The Swastika obviously points to the creators of the building, and forces the monumental size of the structure and the power of the National Socialist party to be conflated, thus attempting to cajole the German people into treat the Nazis with more formal respect. The eagle is the rapacious emblem of the right to rule, tying in notions of royalty and nobility, thus subtly discouraging any criticism of Nazi power. Yet, the positive enforcement of Nazi ideology through the production of works that embody their values was not the only means of enforcing political hegemony. The marginalization of works that did not conform to naturalistic standards was marginalized in quite violent ways. The Entartete Kunstausstellung Degenerate art exhibition, as the name suggests displayed all artworks that did not conform to the static naturalism, in an attempt to mock and undermine styles of modern art. The artists themselves were labeled cultural vandals and criminals who did not paint realistically because they had no real skill. Joseph Goebbels, the Minister for Propaganda passed laws forbidding the production of degenerate art, such as DADA, cubism and expressionism, and in 1936 placed a ban on all literary criticism about Nazi art. Thus, a form of almost total censorship was enforced by the National Socialist Party to regulate the kinds of art produced and seen by the general German public, and therefore the opinions they formed. Art in Germany during the reign of the Nazi Party certainly was a major form of propaganda. Although not as blatant as the massive Nuremberg rallies, they aided in the subliminal formation of the thoughts and actions of the German people towards the National Socialists. Paintings insidiously played on common values already present in the national psyche, such as the need to regain a relationship with the land, and conflated them with National Socialist ideology in a bid to indoctrinate and shape the views of the public. The Nazi architecture and painting induced them to believe in; the invulnerability and superiority of the Germanic race, the working as a harmonious team, and the legitimacy of the Nazi government, to justify the total controlling of a nation. Thus, Nazi art is an ideologically saturated and highly politicized instrument used for the subjugation of the German people.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Tips On How To Get The Most Out Of Online Writing Courses

Tips On How To Get The Most Out Of Online Writing Courses Taking online courses have many advantages for people who have a limited amount of time or live far from the educational institutions. Besides this, you might be a mom who needs a flexible schedule and wants to pursue a passion. You might also be a working student who is eager to get additional knowledge but is not able to visit a college or university in strictly designated timeframes. Here are some tips on how to get the most out of an online writing course, improve your skills and follow your career goals. Figure out why you need to enrol in the online writing course It sounds like a quite primitive request but figuring out why you want to get into online studying can be crucial for the successful completion of the course. Motivation is the key element in almost everything that we do. Knowing what you want to get from the course is important in order to realistically understand what outcome to expect. If you thought your decision over and found out that it is not exactly what you want, it is great. You will avoid wasting your time and will go for the thing that you really like. If after some consideration and inner introspection you will feel that taking an online writing course is really what can make you happy, you will find yourself motivated enough to complete the course successfully. Do the preliminary investigation Nowadays, there are many offers of online courses on the market and choosing the one which suits you the most is a crucial point for reaching your goal successfully. It might take some extra time and effort but the result is worth the fight. You can read reviews from those who have already taken the courses of a particular company but make sure that you do not forget to consider how you personally feel towards the idea of dealing with a certain online learning platform. Learn how to navigate the platform If you have chosen the website for the online course that you like, congratulations on completing the first step. Moving forward, you need to prepare ahead and learn how to use the website properly. Since you are going to study online, knowing how to navigate your learning platform is a must. Many online learning websites give a time limit for some tasks so being confused during an important timed moment about how it all works can cost you dearly. If you start to learn how the platform works beforehand, you will have an extra time and opportunity to contact customer support or other members on the forum if something is unclear. This will save you time and will help you avoid unnecessary stress. Communication as a key Most online courses imply an active communication with a tutor or/and with the members of the forum. Do not be afraid of getting embarrassed since asking a question means that you want to get help, learn more and evolve. Obviously, there will be people who appear to be more knowledgeable than you are and who might dominate the discussion. However, keeping in mind your desire to become more knowledgeable in the chosen subject should prevail over the fear to be embarrassed by not knowing something and making mistakes. After all, those who take a course are there to learn and the participants of the forum as well as tutors or facilitators definitely share your vision and understand that you are there to improve your knowledge. Quite often, people who are introverts are inclined to take online courses. If you are one of such people, do not be afraid to ask for advice since communication online from the comfort of your own home might not be as daunting as dealing with people face-to-face. One should remember that in order to take the most out of online writing course, you need to be organized. You need to make sure that you are disciplined enough to finish what you have started. We hope that our tips can help you reach your goals and make the whole online studying process productive, effective and, most importantly, enjoyable.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Free Essays on Kant And Freedom

, we are bound by the moral law. If the answer is yes, the question is, What about free will? Aren’t we free to exercise... Free Essays on Kant And Freedom Free Essays on Kant And Freedom Critically discuss Kant’s understanding of freedom. ‘The concept of freedom is the stone of stumbling for all empiricists, but at the same time the key to the loftiest practical principles for critical moralists, who perceive by its means that they must necessarily proceed by a rational method.’ Kant, Critique of Practical Reason, Preface Immanuel Kant was born in 1724 in Konigsberg, Germany. He is undeniably one of the most influential philosophers in the realm of moral and political thinking. Kant learned his philosophy in the German university system, which was dominated by the thought of Christian Wolff, himself a follower of Leibniz and the empiricism of David Hume. His greatest work ‘‘Critique of Pure Reason†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ is a synthesis of rationalism and empiricisnm both of which in themselves , he believed , gave a one sided view of knowledge. However, his writings was not on one sided subject, from science to mathematics to philosophy and politics. One of his work ‘Metaphysical Ground†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Kant claims the commitment of categorical imperative is objective. The idea of freedom is not only demanded by a sense of duty , but it also compatrible with the law of casuality. . Man as a phenomenal being is casually determined, but as a noumenal being he is free. Meaning; man cannot know what his freedom is but he knows that he is free. In ‘Critique of Pure Reason’, Kant advanced his theory on freedom into a level where we should consider ourselves as robots : the law of cause and effect, the law of causation, and the moral law. In fact, the doctrine of determinism. Is it reasonable to believe that our actions are fully determined by the law of cause and effect? and What we experience are not as far as we can know, characteristics of those things as they are in themselves? In other words, we are bound by the moral law. If the answer is yes, the question is, What about free will? Aren’t we free to exercise...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Singing Spoon Dry Ice Project

Singing Spoon Dry Ice Project The singing spoon or screaming spoon is the name of a dry ice project in which you cause a spoon to make a singing or screaming sound. Heres how to perform the singing spoon project and an explanation for how it works. You may also watch my video of the singing or screaming spoon. Singing Spoon Materials metal spoondry ice Make the Spoon Sing Dip a spoon in hot water.Remove the spoon from the water and press the warm spoon against the cold dry ice. The spoon will cause the dry ice to sublimate into carbon dioxide vapor. Youll hear the spoon emit a sharp vibrating sound sort of like it is singing or screaming. How the Singing Spoon Works When you press the warm spoon against the dry ice, the sublimation speeds up. The carbon dioxide gas that is released presses against the spoon at the same time you are applying pressure to push the spoon into the dry ice. The oscillations in pressure occur very rapidly, producing sound waves. Although youll usually see this demonstration done using a spoon, it works with any metal object. Metal works best because of its high thermal conductivity, but feel free to experiment with other materials.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Hamlet Analysised Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Hamlet Analysised - Essay Example There are only a few scenes that happen outside of it, most famously the scene at the graveside when Hamlet laments the loss of his old jester, Yorick, and then fights in Ophelia’s grave with her brother Laertes. The play is set sometime in the middle ages and there are clearly delineated family relations and moral codes of honour that drive much of the play’s action. Because most of the characters are members of the royal family they are responsible for Denmark. The family is under threat from within because of the actions of Claudius and the revenge that Hamlet seeks, but it is also under threat from the outside as the Swedish under Fortinbras are preparing to invade it. There are existential threats everywhere—and this is an important aspect to consider. Indeed, this is an important theme of the story: the threat of death that seems omnipresent. Ellsinore still has a cloud over it: the death of Hamlet’s father. It affects everyone, but Hamlet worst of all. From his first words in the play we understand the state of mind he has: He is virtually suicidal after meeting his uncle and mother, married so shortly after his father’s death. The threat from within is a theme personified by Hamlet’s suicidal feelings which are later further explored in the famous soliloquy: â€Å"To be or not to be . . .† People worry about Hamlet, but as the play continues their worry is extended to others. Ophelia, spurned by Hamlet, goes mad and drowns herself. A fear begins to grip everyone. Hamlet, anxious for revenge, kills Ophelia’s father behind the arras when visiting his mother’s room. The threat is not just at the point of the knife—it is that people are listening everywhere. Throughout the play characters are always spying on one another and reporting to others. Even Rosencrantz and Guilderstern, Hamlet’s best friends are convinced to betray him—for this they are rewarded with death

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Legal Topic Digital Forensics Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Legal Topic Digital Forensics - Research Paper Example This investigation discovered one hundred and eighty four video files and fifty-three still images of child pornography in Lynn’s computer hard drive (Watson & Jones, 2013). The investigation also found that the videos and images had been obtained from the internet using Limewire, a program that allows peer-to-peer file sharing. On the first count, the defendant was convicted of receiving child pornography, a crime that violates  § 2252(a)(2). He was also convicted of possessing child pornography material violating  § 2252(a)(4)(B). Lynn was sentenced to 210 months imprisonment for the count of receiving child pornography material and 120 months imprisonment for the count of possessing the material. The court ordered a term of life supervision after Lynn’s release from prison (Casey & Altheide, 2010). Lynn’s case implored the application of 18 U.S.C  §Ã‚ § 2251 through 2260. These sections warrant criminal and civil forfeiture of devices used to depict child pornography, the profits obtained from these crime and properties used in committing them. Record keeping of materials used to depict sexually explicit conduct was provided for in section 2257. Lynn was also liable for failure to report child abuse that is entrenched in a misdemeanor crime in section 2258. The 18 U.S.C  §2525 that addresses the circumstances involving the use of interstate facilities to disseminate information about a minor was applicable to Lynn’s case. Another law that applied to this case is Title 19 section 1305 that criminalizes the importation of obscene materials. This law permits courts to order the seizure and forfeiture of such materials (Altheide & Carvey, 2011). Since Lynn retrieved the materials from the internet which is interstate, he was convicted of violation of the 18 U.S.C  § 2252. This section criminalizes interstate distribution of materials depicting a child engaging in sexually explicit conduct. The Child

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Critical Analysis of the US Electoral College Essay Example for Free

Critical Analysis of the US Electoral College Essay Electoral College is a term that refers to a selected group of representatives who perform the task of electing candidates for particular powerful offices such as presidents or church leaders. The selection process of electing candidates usually involves participants from different and competing political or religious entities. In the recent past, the Electoral College has been conspicuously practiced in electing the President of the United Stats and the Pope of the Catholic Church. It is the US Electoral College that has particularly drawn much concern as to its effectiveness and reliability in electing the president of the federal republic. This essay identifies some of the problems associated with the Electoral College and analyses the implications of the suggested modifications and alternatives. Analysis of the US Electoral College In the United States, the Electoral College system is used to elect the President from competing candidates from either the Republican Party, the Democratic Party of independent candidates. See more: how to write an analysis Rather than elect a president and a vice-president directly through national elections, the US conducts separate elections in all its 51 states during which the winner in each state is allocated the number of electoral votes proportional to the total representation of the state in Congress which has a total of 538 electoral voters. The winner of the presidential contests is expected to win a total of 270 votes of the Electoral College. Although the design of the Electoral College was clever and well intentioned, the system is susceptible to inherent flaws, some of which were resolved by constitutional amendments while others remain unresolved to date (Miller, 2008). Indeed, as Miller (2008) noted, the selection system established by the Electoral College has at its core the objective to foster fairness in the election of candidates in non-partisan environment, the motive was rendered irrelevant with the formation of competing political parties to compete in the selection process for the presidency. There is no doubt that the Electoral College system presents many challenges and problems to the fairness of the Presidential election in the US which include the problem of election reversal, problems with the voting power, partisan biasness, excessive focus on battleground states and the likelihood of pledge violations. One obvious problem that emerges from the Electoral College system is that the results of adding up the total electoral votes in the states may end up being different from adding up the total popular votes in all those states. Miller (2008) identifies the situation of the 2000 elections where the eventual winner, George W. had more electoral votes but less popular vote than the loser, Albert Gore. Moreover, in the event that there emerges a serious third party contestant, then it would be impossible for any candidate to garner the mandatory 270 electoral votes. According to the US constitution, the emergence of such an eventuality would require that the election process be taken to the Congress where voting should be conducted repeatedly until a victor emerges. Whereas there are concerns if the Electoral College represents adequate allocation of voting powers to all the states, there are also concerns as two whether the bipartisanship of the two-party system in the US is likely to represent non-partisan election of the president. Moreover, the focus of the Electoral College on the battleground states attracts disproportionate attention from parties and their candidates, effectively raising questions on the voting powers of the other states. Conclusion Some of the suggested proposals suggested include: (1) amending the constitution to empower the American with the constitutional rights to directly elect the president through a popular vote; (2) apportionment of the electoral votes fractionally according to the population of states so as to eliminate the problem of election reversal; and (3) equal apportionment of the electoral votes to all states to eliminate the problem of state voting powers. The proposal to amend the constitution so as to give American the constitutional rights to directly elect the president stands out as the most superior suggestion because it will eliminate all the problems and challenges associated with the Electoral College. References Miller, N. R. (2008). The US electoral college: Origins, transformation, problems and prospects. UMBC, retrieved on 22 May 2009 from: http://userpages. umbc. edu/~nmiller/RESEARCH/ELECTCOL. CONSTDAY. ppt.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Animal Experiments Essay -- essays papers

Animal Experiments Animal experimentation by scientists can be cruel and unjust, but at the same time it can provide long term benefits for humanity. Animals used in research and experiments have been going on for 2,000 years and keep is going strong. It is a widely debated about topic all over the world. Some say it is inhuman while others say it’s for the good of human kind. There are many different reasons why people perform experiments and why others total disagree with it. Each year 20 million animals are produce and breed for the only purpose but to be tested on. Fifty-three thousands of animals are used each year in medical and veterinary schools. The rest is used in basic research. The demand for animals in the United States is 50 million mice, 20 million rats, and about 30 million other animals. This includes 200,000 cats and 450,000 dogs. The world uses about 200-250 million animals per year. The problem with working with animals is that they cannot communicate their feelings and reactions. Other people say that they can communicate and react to humans just a well as one person to another. Some of the animals the research’s use are not domesticated which makes them extremely hard to control and handle. The experiments that go on behind closed doors are some of the most horrific things a human could think of too torture somebody or something. Animals in labs are literally used as models and are poked at and cut open like nothing is happening. When drug a...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Primary ethical considerations Essay

Ethical norms are the moral standards that help us judge good from bad or right from wrong and living morally. This involves articulating the good habits or character that we should have, the consequences of our behavior on us and others and the duties that we are supposed to follow. Ethical issues touch on the basis of an individual belief and they are bound to differ with individuals depending on cultural and social factors of the individual. McKinney (2004) explains that the primary ethical considerations for teachers in a K-8 education setting   is a form of applied ethics that evaluates ethical guidelines and moral issues that can come up in a classroom environment. The following section will highlight McKinney (2004) ten main principles which teachers in K-8 classes are supposed to follow and adhere to: Establish the significance of academic integrity Schools are committed to pursing integrity and truth; teachers in K-8 should confirm and reestablish the need for integrity and truth based on particular main values such as honest civility and diligence. Teachers need to show and encourage students to practice this. Promote love of learning Teachers in K-8 have an ethical duty to reinforce and foster better class environment for learning. Many children will succeed and thrive in an environment where learning and schooling is viewed as challenging, useful, pertinent and fair. Treat children as ends in teaching Teachers in K-8 should treat their students as being an end and not means children require personal attention and thoughtfulness. The students will in general respond through respecting what the teacher’s values and norms and be committed to academics Foster an atmosphere of trust within the classroom Many students are young and require and value an atmosphere where trust is freely earned as it is given. Enhance student accountability for integrity in academics Young students want to learn in schools where integrity justice and respect is adhered to, while dishonest is punished. With correct direction and leadership, students can cultivate strong accountability to assist in promoting and protecting high levels of integrity in academic work. Formulate just and appropriate assessment forms Students expect to be assessed with fairness using appropriate methods. Teachers in K-8 classes should use, and regularly modify forms of evaluation   and tests which need active thought and enhance learning activities for the students. Challenge any dishonest in learning when it happens Children see how teachers act and what values they hold. Teachers who overlook trivialized dishonest in academics, convey a message that, the teacher do not value core values of academic and that these core values are not worth following. In addition to this the teachers should: †¢ Assist in defining and supporting entire school academic integrity and honesty †¢ Limit chances for students to participate in dishonesty in class and school as a whole †¢ Clarify your expectations for class and students in particular Conclusion The classroom and teaching environment in general during the 21st century have become more complex and demanding. Consequently, the need for more ethical teaching behavior, actions and processes is increasing. As McKinney (2004) notes pressure has been mounted on the teachers in a K-8 to observe and improve their ethics through laws and refined public initiatives. The variety and extent of ethical issues in teaching shows the extent to which ethical values differ and need to be upheld.   Ã‚  This paper has outline several main ethical issues that teachers in K-8 will should follow to establish better values in their class room

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Mass Communications

In the past 10 years, mass communications underwent perhaps one of the most profound revolutions in their history, matched perhaps by the arrival of the telegraph and the telephone. Technology changes affect who we reach and in what ways. They also affect our entertainment and the way we spend free time. The most notable change has certainly been the Internet. Its vast online spaces have made tons of information easily available to masses of people who previously would find difficult and costly to obtain information of similar quality from other sources. In this way, the Internet democratized communication between people, making writing cheaper through e-mail and making voice connections more accessible through Internet telephony and programs like Skype. I regularly use Skype and e-mail to reach my relatives in other countries, and this makes our communication much easier. The use of online communication has also provided people with immense opportunities to address large audiences without considerable expense of starting one’s own media project. To make a site that will deliver content and the author’s news to large groups of people is very easy and inexpensive. This helps overcome the problem of freedom of speech that many saw in the world where media were owned and governed by rich tycoons. The critics of such freedom noted that it did not provide for â€Å"freedom of expression† of those who are not commercial film producers or media barons† (Iyer, 2004). Today, one can air political or social views without investing a lot of money. Blogs are yet another way to make one’s views known to a group of people and make an online community, getting new friends. In 2005, Business Week reported that â€Å"there are some 9 million blogs out there, with 40,000 new ones popping up each day† (Baker, Green, 2005). I tried once to start a diary at, but soon got tired of writing there and could not find many people to read my writing. I believe myself to be a slow adopter, although when technical improvements in communication get popular, I do begin to use them. References Baker, S., & Green, H. (2005, May). Blogs Will Change Your Business. Business Week. Retrieved August 29, 2006 College of Communication, the University of Texas at Austin. Thoughts about the Future of Advertising. A White Paper by the Faculty, Department of Advertising. Retrieved August 29, 2006, from Iyer, V. R. (2004, July). ‘Culture Cops' and the mass media. Retrieved August 29, 2006, from   

Friday, November 8, 2019

Jane Austen and Convention of the Gothic

Jane Austen and Convention of the Gothic Introduction The novel Northanger Abbey adversely mentions gothic literature; it even influences the main characters’ actions and decisions. However, the use of this genre is done to mock and trivialise the genre.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Jane Austen and Convention of the Gothic specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More How Jane Austen challenges conventions of gothic novels As one reads the novel, one comes across a series of gothic titles throughout the narration. The characters talk about and reference various pieces in the book. Catherine meets with Isabella at the beginning of her adventure at Bath. Their main topic of conversation is gothic literature. These two ladies especially mention the Mysteries of Udolpho, by Ann Radcliffe, but their fondness for the books makes them appear one -dimensional and detached from reality. Jane Austen also mocks gothic literature by selecting a very unconventional heroine . Gothic novels usually feature beautiful young women as main characters. Catherine is average-looking at best; sometimes, Austen leads readers to believe that her main character is even unattractive. The first page states that Catherine had â€Å"an awkward figure, sallow skin colour, dark lank hair and strong features† (Austen 1817, p.1). In eighteenth century Britain, strong features and sallow skin were undesirable traits. Jane Austen wanted to defy conventional expectations of gothic literature by choosing an individual who had little physical appeal. Furthermore, Catherine’s social background was nothing extraordinary. She came from a large middle income household, yet most gothic novels either focused on incredibly poor or exceptionally wealthy heroines (Rose 1993). Furthermore, Catherine was not talented in the conventional ways of English society at the time. She could not draw or paint, and neither could she write. Even Austen remarks that she was â€Å"a st range and unaccountable character† (Austen 1817, p.6). Catherine appears to have challenges with social interactions as well. She does not seem to understand people; yet this is a predominant quality in most gothic books. Catherine did not know about Isabella’s true intentions until the situation had gone overboard. She could not hide her suspicions about Henry’s father from him. Furthermore, she fails to realise that she was leading-on John Thorpe. Catherine lacks social experience, which was a quality that was hard to miss in the gothic genre. In choosing such a heroine, the author wanted to challenge stereotypes of women in romantic literature, of which gothic novels belong (Summers 1964). In the narration, the main character appears to grow and learn about the workings of English society. This was not initially true at the beginning. In fact, one detects Catherine’s naivety when she first visits Bath. She seems to have an overblown imagination about th e way the world works. Catherine looks at the world through the eyes of the characters in gothic novels (Glock 1978).Advertising Looking for essay on british literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In these books, seemingly ordinary events can lead to terrible occurrences in the future. The main character thinks of Mrs. Tilney’s death as one such tale, but later realises that she had distorted reality. Jane Austen wanted to demonstrate how gothic novels can feed the mind with unrealistic and fantastic expectations. For instance, when Henry drives her out to Northanger Abbey, he indulges her imagination: â€Å"In one perhaps there may be a dagger, in another a few drops of blood, and in a third the remains of some instrument of torture; †¦ your lamp being nearly exhausted, you will return towards your own apartment. In passing through the small vaulted room, however, your eyes will be attracted toward s a large, old-fashioned cabinet of ebony and gold, which, though narrowly examining the furniture before, you had passed unnoticed.† (Austen 1817, p. 144) Catherine is quite gullible at this point because she expects nothing short of gothic mystery in the place. She is deeply disappointed when she realises that Henry’s home is quite ordinary. The house possesses none of those concealed spaces that she read about in the gothic tales. Clearly, Catherine is deluded by these readings; the author wanted to show that such exaggerations can impede one’s functioning in society. Catherine paid a heavy price for these wild imaginations when Henry discovered that she thought that someone has murdered his father. Some critics summarise this depiction through the following summary â€Å"Again and again we see the kind of malediction novels confer on Catherine, teaching her to talk in inflated and stilted clichà ©s, training her to expect impossibly villainous or virtuous b ehaviour from people whose motives are more complex than she suspects, binding her to the mundane selfishness of her contemporaries (Gilber and Gubar, 2000, 132). Although Austen satirises gothic novels through Catherine’s extreme indulgences, one must realise that the main character still sensed the pretentiousness of the people around her. She was right about questioning General Tilney’s character, because he turned out to be mean spirited and elitist. The author of the book wanted to show that gothic elements can skew one’s reality, but may lead to unconscious revelations about such people. As such, Austen did not completely write-off gothic fiction. She wanted to satirise its flaws, but also acknowledge that it did possess some insights. The writer defied conventions of gothic novels by starting with a naive character, and then developed and nurtured her to the woman that she becomes at the end of the novel.Advertising We will write a custom essay sa mple on Jane Austen and Convention of the Gothic specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In most gothic works, the heroines of the narrations are highly perceptive. They are well experienced in the world, and know what to expect from people. These are all qualities that Catherine lacks at the beginning of the book (St.Clair 2004). Catherine is not the only character in the novel to defy conventional gothic depictions: General Tilney also signifies this indifference to the status quo. At the time when Austen wrote her novel, most gothic novels had villains that were forceful, violent or even murderous. However, Northanger Abbey has none of this; in fact, the villain does not seem to possess the typical traits of such a character (Sadlier, 1944). Nonetheless, Austen depicts his undesirability through his intentions and interests. The General is overly concerned about Catherine’s wealth regardless of her admirable qualities as a person. A woman ’s social status is so important to the ‘villain’ that he is willing to ruin his relationship with his son for it. Henry Tilney chooses to defy his father rather than abide by his dictatorial rules. One can perceive that Jane Austen wanted to speak out against the ills of male patriarchy in her society (Varma 1966). She, therefore, preferred to use this role in order to advance her themes rather than to advance her plot, unlike the case is in eighteenth century gothic literature. Perhaps even the treatment of General Tilney as an antagonist is misguided in this analysis. He comes off as a man who cares too much about money and reality. The General is so concerned about maintaining his status that he meddles into the affairs of his children. Austen opted to mock gothic books by having a character that takes the shape of villain, but is not really one. Sometimes gothic pieces focused on man’s weaknesses and his inability to control his surrounding. Rarely di d they caricature society’s flaws (Levine 1999). Northanger Abbey was the exact opposite of this propensity. It satirises society’s obsessions with power and wealth through its plot as well as its characters. One such individual was Isabella who claims to care for nothing more than love. However, she gets very frustrated at her fiancà ©e when she realises that he is not as wealthy as she had presumed. She causes James great anguish when he realises that she was flirting with another man. Additionally, General Tilney is quite hospitable to Catherine when he thinks that she comes from a wealthy family. However, he kicks her out when John tells him otherwise. These people were all depictions of what society can become when it places too much emphasis on wealth. Jane Austen challenges conventions of gothic literature by going in this direction. One should note that most females in the late eighteenth century had minimal economic or social options. Writing was one of the f ew professions that individuals could use in order to earn a decent living (Kate 1993).Advertising Looking for essay on british literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More They were not politicians or property owners, but they had an opinion and needed to express it somewhere (Todd 1980). The author of the novel chose to mock societal practices through the use of a common literary genre, that is: the gothic novel. While the main character of the book is unattractive, Isabella is beautiful and charming. The author used conventional qualities of protagonists in gothic literature to satirise Isabella’s obsession with material wealth (Monaghan 1981). This choice in character traits may seem unintentional, but it reaffirms the fact that the book is indeed a parody of gothic work. In order to mock certain elements of fiction, some authors may choose to mirror the stylistic devices of their parodied work in order to achieve this objective (Dentith 2000). Likewise, Jane Austen does the same thing with her novel. She integrates gothic elements in her piece in a manner that satirizes them rather than validates them. Most gothic novels have an air of myst ery about them. They tend to cause suspense by leaving out vital pieces of information. Readers often read on in order to discover what will happen to the main character. Austen uses mystery in her novel as well, but this achieves different objectives. For instance at some point, Henry describes Abbey exaggeratedly to Catherine. Of course she realises that Henry is fooling around. However when she finds a manuscript, she presumes that she can uncover some proof about her suspicions. However, darkness engulfs her and she hears receding footsteps and the closing of a distant door† (Austen, 155). She cannot validate the significance of this piece of paper until morning. When morning comes, she soon appreciates that it was nothing but a laundry list. The passage about the dark room may fill a reader with suspense. Nonetheless, when one discovers the reason behind her fear, one realises that there was no mystery behind it. Jane Austin employs gothic tactics to satirise the genre by showing that all the mystery was created in the mind of the protagonist. Most gothic novels often focus on oppressed individuals. These situations may elevate readers’ perceptions of the main characters after they triumph over their adversaries. Usually, such heroines will scream and act in terror. Sometimes them may cry and faint over an issue. Others may appear overly emotional or too sentimental (Mandal 1999). It is through their sorrow and anger that the readers get to connect with them. In Northanger Abbey, Jane Austen also uses sentimentality as a trait, but only as a mechanism to defy the oppressed-heroine stereotype. In one instance Catherine seems to have lost it all; her potential father in law sends her out of his house. It is almost as if her whole world has been shattered, although John Thorpe was partly to blame for this occurrence. Regardless of these circumstances, the reader does not necessarily think of Catherine as a damsel in distress. Furthermore, things change for the better when Henry pays her a visit in her hometown (ART 2008. General Tinley eventually consents to the marriage, so she ceases to be the oppressed victim. In another scenario, the death of Mrs. Tilney preoccupies Catherine’s mind when she suspects that her husband killed her. However, little proof exists for her to validate this statement. She seems deeply disturbed by these issues, and one may even assume that she is living in a dangerous place. Later on, she realises that there was nothing to these suspicions. â€Å"The absurdity of her curiosity and her fears could they ever be forgotten? She hated herself more than she could express† (Austen 1817, p.183). Austen mocks this aspect of victimisation in gothic literature by dismissing off ‘dangerous situations’ as misguided thoughts or delusions. Conclusion Jane Austen satirises gothic literature by using unconventional characters in her novel. The protagonist is not a damsel in distress, unattractive or even talented, yet one cannot miss these qualities in the gothic genre. Additionally, the villain does not fit conventional gothic depictions because he commits no explicit wicked acts. The author also uses her characters to mock society’s obsession with wealth; an uncommon trait in gothic work. Even the stylistic devices she borrows from the latter genre are designed to dismiss such works as remote from reality. References ART, 2008, ‘Northanger Abbey and Persuasion’, Quarterly Review, vol. 24 no. 3, pp. 48. Austen, J, 1817, Northanger Abbey, John Murray, London. Dentith, S, 2000, Parody, Routledge, London. Gilbert, S Guber, S, 2000, The madwoman in the attic, Yale University Press, New Haven. Glock, W, 1978, Catherine Morland’s gothic delusions: A defence of Northanger Abbey’, Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature, vol. 32 no. 1, pp 33-46 Kate, F, 1993, The woman reader, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Levine, G, 1999, Translating the monstrous: Northanger Abbey, McMillan, London. Mandal, A, 1999, The gothic heroine. Web. Monaghan, D, 1981, Jane Austen in a social context, Barnes Noble, Totowa. Rose, M, 1993, Parody: Ancient, modern and post modern, Cambridge University press, Cambridge. Sadlier, M, 1944, Things past, Constable, London. Summers, M, 1964, The Gothic quest, Russell, New York. Todd, J, 1980, Gender and Literary voice, Holmes and Meier, New York. St.Clair, W, 2004, The reading nations in the romantic period, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Varma, D, 1966, The Gothic flame, Russell, New York.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Biography of James A. Garfield, 20th U.S. President

Biography of James A. Garfield, 20th U.S. President James A. Garfield ( November 19, 1831- September 19, 1881) was an educator, lawyer, and a major general in the Union Army during the Civil War. He was elected to the Ohio State Senate and to the U.S. Congress before becoming the 20th American president on March 4, 1881. He served only until Sept. 19, 1881, when he died from complications caused by an assassins bullet 11 weeks before. Fast Facts: James A. Garfield Known For: 20th president of the United StatesBorn: Nov. 19, 1831 in Cuyahoga County, OhioParents: Abram Garfield, Eliza Ballou GarfieldDied: Sept. 19, 1881 in Elberon,  New JerseyEducation: Williams CollegeSpouse: Lucretia RudolphChildren: Seven; two died in infancy Early Life Garfield was born in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, to Abram Garfield, a farmer, and  Eliza Ballou Garfield. His father died when Garfield was just 18 months old. His mother tried to make ends meet with the farm, but he and his three siblings, two sisters and a brother, grew up in relative poverty. He attended a local school before moving on to Geauga Academy in Geauga  County, Ohio in 1849. He then went to the Western Reserve  Eclectic  Institute (later called Hiram College) in Hiram, Ohio, teaching to help pay his way. In 1854, he attended Williams College in Massachusetts, graduating with honors two years later. On Nov. 11, 1858, Garfield married  Lucretia Rudolph, who had been a student of his at the Eclectic Institute. She was working as a teacher when Garfield wrote to her and they began courting. She contracted malaria while serving as first lady but lived a long life after Garfields death, dying on March 14, 1918. They had two daughters and five sons, two of whom died when they were infants. Career Before the Presidency Garfield began his career as an instructor in classical languages at the Eclectic Institute and was its president from 1857 to 1861. He studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1860, and he was ordained a minister in the  Disciples of Christ  church, but he soon turned to politics. He served as an Ohio state senator from 1859 to 1861. Garfield joined the Union army in 1861, taking part in the Civil War battles of Shiloh and Chickamauga and reaching the rank of major general. He was elected to Congress while still in the military, resigning to take his seat as a U.S. representative and serving from 1863 to 1880. During this time he had an extramarital affair with a woman in  New York City. He later admitted the indiscretion and was forgiven by his wife. Becoming President In 1880, the Republicans nominated Garfield to run for president as a compromise candidate between conservatives and moderates. Conservative candidate Chester A. Arthur was nominated as vice president. Garfield was opposed by Democrat Winfield Hancock. Acting upon the advice of President Rutherford B. Hayes, Garfield shied away from actively campaigning, speaking to reporters and voters from his home in  Mentor, Ohio, in what was referred to as the first â€Å"front porch† campaign. He won 214 out of 369 electoral votes. Events and Accomplishments Garfield was in office for only six and a half months. He spent much of that time dealing with patronage issues. The one major issue that he faced was an investigation of whether mail route contracts were being awarded fraudulently, with tax money going to those involved. The investigation implicated members of his Republican Party, but Garfield didnt flinch from continuing. In the end, revelations from the incident, called the Star Route Scandal, resulted in important civil service reforms. Assassination On  July 2, 1881, Charles J. Guiteau, a mentally disturbed office seeker, shot  Garfield  in the back in the Washington, D.C., railroad station while he was on his way to a family vacation in  New England. The president lived until Sept. 19 of that year. Guiteau apparently was driven by politics, saying to police after he surrendered, Arthur is now president of the United States. He was convicted of murder and hanged on June 30, 1882. The cause of death was massive hemorrhaging and slow  blood poisoning, which was later described as being related more to the unsanitary way physicians treated the president than to the wounds themselves. Doctors of the time were unschooled in the role of hygiene in preventing infection. The standard procedure was to devote most of the treatment effort to removing the bullet, and a number of doctors repeatedly poked his wound in an unsuccessful search. Legacy Garfield served the second shortest presidential term in American history, topped only by the 31-day term of William Henry Harrison, the ninth president, who caught a cold that turned into fatal pneumonia. Garfield was buried in Lake View Cemetery in  Cleveland. Upon his death, Vice President Arthur became president. Because of Garfields brief time in office, he couldnt achieve much as president. But by allowing the investigation into the mail scandal to continue despite its effect on members of his own party, Garfield paved the way for civil service reform. He also was an early champion of the rights of African-Americans, believing that education was the best hope for improving their lives. In his inaugural address, he said: â€Å"The elevation of the Negro race from slavery to the full rights of citizenship is the most important political change we have known since the adoption of the Constitution of 1787. No thoughtful man can fail to appreciate its beneficent effect upon our institutions and people.†¦It has liberated the master as well as the slave from a relation which wronged and enfeebled both.† Garfields prolonged death is credited with helping to establish the American president as a celebrity. The public and the media of the day were described as being obsessed with  his lengthy passing, more so even than they had been with the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln 16 years before. Sources James Garfield. A. Garfield: President of the United States. Encyclopedia Brittanica.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Risk assessment analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Risk assessment analysis - Assignment Example However, the organization is having many years of operation in the audit sector. The bond of the risk assessments to motivators of shareholder value and objectives is rarely available. Risk assessments can be regulated by rules and regulations such as anti-money embezzlement and internal control over financial reporting. They can in operation due to an organization’s own business development, operational efficiency, and talent nurturing. It is clear from the Vectren corporation audit report that the internal control is integrated framework given by the sponsoring organization committee of the tread commission. The management in charge for the maintenance of effective internal control report entails the management in accordance to internal control over financing details. The main responsibility is expressing the opinion concerning the organizations’ audit. The standards require a proper planning and appropriate performance of the audit to come up with a with a reasonable assurance if there was maintenance of effective internal control over the financial reports. There are aspects of evaluating the dangers that the weakness of a substance exists, assessing and testing the design and operating effectiveness. This provides a reasonable basis of the opinion count (Hester & Harrison, 2007). An organizations’ internal control over financial reporting is a concept structured by supervision of the organizations principal executive and principal financial persons carrying out the same activity. It is always the core activity of personnel, board of directors and management to facilitate provision of assurance concerning the financial reports to be reliable. There is preparation of financial statements for external factors in accordance with accounting rules and regulations. Making sure that the maintenance of records that are

Friday, November 1, 2019

Buying Decision Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Buying Decision Assignment - Essay Example rchase the laptop was also influenced by the social needs such as engaging with my friends and relatives through social sites including tweeter and face book. Based on my interest to understand the culture of other people, the laptop could assist me to research on ethnicity of other people including their languages and beliefs. Before I made my purchase, I had first to compare the prices in various shops as well as the best brand that could meet my needs. Additionally, a number of customers were still looking for the same laptop during the early morning hours. The major factors influenced my purchase decision were efficiency, dependability, motivation and learning. As a new technology that is adopted my individuals and organizations, I realized that the laptop would assist me in storing information, providing solutions through the use of software, give me motivation during my research as well as make learning process easier. The purchase was a high involvement decision. In most cases, consumers go for personal computers rather than laptops due to the high prices of the laptops. Additionally, laptops have a high risk of getting a fault especially if improperly handled. As compared to my expectations after purchase, I realized that I had to extensively study most of the applications that were in the laptop as well as add more software into it in order to meet all my needs. One of the key concepts that I have learned from this assignment is that consumers are guided by various factors during their purchasing process (Kerin 31). These include economic needs, psychological variables, social needs, culture, and reasons for

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

House Prices and the Wealth Effect Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 11

House Prices and the Wealth Effect - Essay Example In a typical household, shares account for a relatively smaller proportion of average assets while housing takes the huge proportion. People will rather invest in housing that has moderate rises in price compared to the stock market that has sharp unpredictable prizes. Home values are thus more evenly distributed that financial related wealth that is spread among the rich whose spending has less effect on changing waves. Change in house prices thus presents much higher effect to many people that change in share prices (Case, Quigley, & Shiller 3). However, this is not true across all economies. The influence of financial assets is much greater than that of housing wealth in Britain than in America because of Britain having refined instruments through which money is spent. In America, weakness in wealth effect on consumption was expected to reduce spending but the opposite happened. As more Americans became poor from the fallen share prices, spending grew considerably hence helping America avoids getting into recession. Housing prices instead went higher thus squaring out the effect of fallen stock prices. However, empty homes and increased unemployment have indicated that consumer spending is driven by real earnings that influence projections of earnings from stocks, property, and bonds. Thus fallen asset values that cause investors to spend less and the rest are put into savings (The Economist, â€Å"A housing slump helped† 1). For example in the US in 2004, an increase in wealth by $1 caused an increase in spending between 1 and 7 cents. This translated to 0.0375 wealth effect for a model that assumed equal effect between housing and financial assets. The policymakers consider housing wealth as having a similar effect as financial wealth in microeconomics sense. However, some people have already established fault in such conclusion. They argue that increase in the price of property increase cost of housing.  

Monday, October 28, 2019

Punctuated Equilibrium Theory

Punctuated Equilibrium Theory Puppet With businesses becoming increasingly dependent on IT systems which are constantly becoming larger and more complex, its critical that they are managed efficiently. Systems administrators are tasked with the management of these systems, with a large amount of their time being spent on repetitive processes such as deployment, configuration and updates. Puppet provides an expansible configuration management platform that can be used to help automate these tasks, increasing the speed, reliability and auditability of the process. Puppet works by providing a language that allows you to define exactly how your infrastructure should be configured. This provides consistency across the infrastructure and increases security by ensuring all systems are configured correctly. If a configuration change is needed, the change only must be made once before it can then be pushed out and applied to the entire infrastructure. This also inherently improves the auditability of the infrastructure by ensuring all security and compliance policies are rolled out across the entire organization. A graphical dashboard allows the status all parts of the organizations infrastructure to be tracked and can generate reports, providing a quick and easy way to complete security and compliance audits. The Health industry has some of the most onerous compliance requirements to ensure the strict security of patient data. Implementing Puppet would allow system administrators to streamline the compliance process by pushing required configuration and software updates across their entire infrastructure quickly and easily. An important part of demonstrating compliance of security policies is ensuring users only have access to the systems they are authorized to use. Puppet includes role-based access control features which allow administrators to assign specific permissions to users on both an individual and group level and can be integrated with existing directory services such as Active Directory and OpenLDAP. Ensuring users have access to the systems and hardware they require to complete their respective roles without impacting productivity whilst maintaining security and compliance is key to ensuring a successful workplace. Larger Health organizations such as Ramsay Health Care which has over 220 hospitals and day surgery facilities across Australia, France, the United Kingdom, Indonesia and Malaysia (About Ramsay Health Care, n.d.) could take advantage of the high availability and scalability of Puppet. High availability configurations eliminate downtime by having multiple Puppet servers across multiple locations which provide failover and redundancy in the event of an outage at another location while also ensuring performance. Puppet can be configured to manage any number of nodes across any number of locations which can help consolidate staff and ensures consistency across all locations. The Punctuated Equilibrium Theory suggests that within the Information Technology industry, technology is primarily in a state of equilibrium, with only minor changes occurring. However occasionally technology can go through short revolutionary period that can disrupt the equilibrium and bring on large disruptive change, which will then become the basis for the next equilibrium period. Adoption of this technology offers to change how infrastructure is managed in a revolutionary way. The implementation and management of the underlying systems can be automated in a way that allows staff responsible for these tasks to spend less time on repetitive system configurations and fixing known issues. With business becoming increasingly reliant on on-premises, cloud and hybrid-cloud infrastructures its only a matter of time before automation platforms such as Puppet become commonplace. References Grudin, Jonathan. (2012) Punctuated equilibrium and technology change. interactions 19, 5 (September 2012) 62-66. doi: 10.1145/2334184.2334200 Krum, S., Hevelingen, W. V., Kero, B., Turnbull, J., McCune, J. (2013). Pro Puppet. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4302-6041-7 Puppet. (n.d.). Puppet The shortest path to better software. Retrieved March 11, 2017, from Puppet. (2016, August 2). How Puppet works.[Video file]. Retrieved from Ramsay Health Care. (n.d.) About Ramsay Health Care. Retrieved 15 March 2017, from

Friday, October 25, 2019

Slavey Then And Now :: essays research papers

Slavery: Then and Now When we think about slavery many things come to our mind. There are many different ways one can describe slavery. If you were to look it up in a dictionary it would say that a slave is â€Å"one who is owned and forced into service by another,† this was the definition given in the Webster’s Dictionary. But then again if you were to look it up in the Oxford Dictionary the definition given here is of one who is an â€Å"obsessive devotee.† On the whole slavery can have different meanings to different people. The meaning of slavery has a different meaning today than it did years ago. As Alex Haley wrote, slavery was difficult to explain years ago because it was going on at the time. Today when someone says the word slavery more than half of the people would think of plantations and people being forced to work the land and being mistreated. But what do you say to a little child who comes up to you and asks you want slavery is? In today’s society we can take the word slavery and put it to the modern days. Would one say that slavery only existed years ago when plantation owners would buy people to force them to do hard labor and mistreat them, or would one mention about the slavery that goes on in today’s society? What about the people who are forced to do hard labor like many years ago? Many people do not realize it but indeed we do have modern-day slavery. What is today’s modern day slavery? There are several things that can be put into today’s slavery. This is one problem that is often over looked in today’s society. It may not have as much impact as it did years ago, but if we stop and think about it, this problem is still as harsh and crude as it was years ago. I would think that up to some extent the problem has grown now because it is in fact often overlooked. For example in Sudan, as a result of an Islamic vs. Christian civil war, women and children that are mostly black and Christian are captured in raids. They are later sold as chattel slaves in â€Å"modern day slave markets†. Now the question that I have is, â€Å" Does a human life have a price?† Well according to these people it does, and the price that they decided to put on a human life has been as low as fifteen dollars.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Research Methods Course Outline Essay

The course aims at deepening the students understanding of the integration of Airports as a key part of the economy in less than one century since their inception. It also helps the students learn about the dynamics of the airports and the challenges facing the growth of airports as part of the service sector. The students get to know and understand the forces involved in running and maintaining an airport system. Topics to be covered 1. Introduction a) What is operations management and what does it involve? b) Why is airport operations management important in the running of airports? 2. Background of Airport business a) History and commercialization of airports b) Description of the air transport system 3. Queuing theory a) What is queuing theory b) Importance of queuing theory in airport operations c) Service structure in a queuing system 4. Airport Facility location and layout a) Importance of airport facility location b) Importance of airport layout 5. Airport technical and essential services a) What are airport technical services b) History of airport technical services c) Other essential services at airports 6. Airport Capacity and delay a) Factors affecting capacity and delay in commercial airports b) Strategies to reduce airport delays. c) Grand Father rights and their effects on airport delays 7. Airport Aircraft emergencies a) Definition of Aircraft Accidents and Incidents b) Description of aircraft accidents by phase of flight c) Managing human factors to reduce aircraft accidents d) Categories of aircraft emergencies at airports e) Airport emergency plan 8. Financing of airport operations and business a) What is financing b) Budgeting for airport operations c) Sources of Airport Revenues d) Funding of airport operations 9. Managing airport projects a) What is project Management b) Project management skills and requirements c) Feasibility study for projects 10. Comparison of leaders and managers a) Why are firms changing from management to leadership b) Comparison of various leadership theoriesapplicable to airport operations management 11. The future of the airport business and operations a) Planning for future development and expansion of airports b) Managing the â€Å"knock on† effects in the airport business c) Challenges facing the airport business and the aviation industry. d) Conclusion of the course.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Group Project

You have just been part of a merger. You have each been chosen to head up your department and merge the two groups into a self-directed work team. Work with each other to lay out a plan describing how you will develop a new team within your department or departments. It is natural that there will be some confrontations between people. Look at the stages of team development and use that knowledge to work with the team. It is recognized that some employees will refuse to be part of the team. In fact, the new ownership expects that there will be some who lose their jobs because of these issues; however, that is a last resort.Use all your skills to negotiate with employees in an attempt to resolve conflicts and pull your team together. Because you are working together as a team, it is seen by the ownership that if one is successful, you are all successful. Likewise, if one fails, you all fail. The future success of the company is dependent on your mutual success. Consider the following: * As a team, you must come up with a plan and be in agreement because you have to implement it in your departments. For the plan of team development, I will use Tuckman's Theory, namely, Forming, Storming, Norming- Performing.The first step that I will take is to form a team that has all the talents and abilities required for the tasks at hand. This means a careful inventory has to be developed of the skills, and abilities and checking if these are appropriate and adequate for the task at hand. When developing a plan the objective is to develop a team that is high-performing and brings the advantages of synergies after the merger has taken place. Forming: During this stage of the team, there is a desire to be accepted and to avoid conflict; The tasks are allotted according the skills and abilities of the persons.The tendency during this stage is to study the other members and avoid confrontation. The team members get to know each other. It is planned that this stage should last for one week. Storming: As the owners give challenging tasks to the team there is storming and different ideas compete for consideration. I will ensure that even though confrontational ideas are presented, there is productive input and good ideas are accepted. I will use tolerance and patience because at this stage there is likely to be conflict among the employee groups belonging to each merging company. I will ensure that more comfortable interaction is possible.This stage will take two weeks time. Norming: During this phase I will ensure that the team has only one goal and a plan will be developed to achieve the tasks given to the team. At this time norms will be developed for tackling different tasks assigned to the team and the manner in which they will be executed. The normng phase will take one weeks time. Performing: To get the team performing, I will get the team members to carry out multi-functional tasks and to become mutually interdependent. I will set challenging goals for the team and set criteria by which the performance will be evaluated.The objectives of the team and the criteria for performance evaluation will be so designed in such a manner that the team members become interdependent. I will actively participate in the activities of the team and motivate the team members. The decision making will be participative and will encourage new ideas and even dissenting thoughts; The performing stage will continue for a period of six months. After a period of seven months it is expected that the team will be a cohesive, high performing, and synergetic. * For each step you take, provide a brief explanation of your reasoning.Forming: during this step there is a gathering of information about the team members from the other company; There is also an attempt by the member of the acquiring company to exert their power and become dominant. At this stage simply allotting task according to the skills and abilities creates a feeling that every person has a rightf ul place in the team. Storming: During this step the inherent conflict between employees of the acquiring company and the acquired company come out into the open. There are conflicts over small issues, and the acquired company members will test the rules to see if they get a fair deal.To motivate team members they must be made to feel that every person will be treated equitably. (Remember Stacey Adam's equity theory). Norming: During this stage rules of teamwork are formed and there is a give and take. The team members understand the concerns of the other members easily. Performing: During this stage by setting objectives/goal, and setting criteria for performance evaluation, I compel the group to become interdependent and flexible. This is the most direct way of ensuring that synergies are achieved. I will take certain steps during the team formation process to ensure that the team formation is successful.Since, the members of the team come from different cultures; I will not impos e outside principles or ground rules from outside. Further, since there are persons from different companies, I will ensure that the group does not get caught up in details, nor will I allow the persons from one company dominate others. I will ensure that each member of the team gets an equal say. In addition, I will set challenging targets for the team and the objectives will not merely be in financial terms. Moreover, I will encourage sharing of information and cultural integration. Finally, I will not allow random or undirected changes to my plans.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Sex In Advertising

SEX IN ADVERTISING Sex sells. A truth known in advertising, this famous clichà © has become the core of most American advertising tactics. In everyday life, the average buyer is subjected to thousands of ads each day, many of which contain sexual imagery. Flipping through a 200-page Abercrombie and Fitch clothes catalogue and searching on their internet site, you notice something odd–the models are not wearing any clothes. Not only are they buff, and naive looking, men and women nude, but they are posed in numerous sexual poses. The issue includes a shot of a girl at the seashore arching her back, putting her fingers through her hair, naked from the waist up, and a hot guy wearing a wet T-shirt and nothing else ...grabbing his crotch; other shots contain group kisses. Also when I first entered the site the first picture that came up were 4 guys laughing together with no clothes on. Near the end of the catalog that comes out every quarter, finally, there are clothes showed, modeless. I believe t he creators of their advertisement needed a way to show their non-sexual clothing in a sexual way to get the buyer to be intrigued about wearing it. Abercrombie obviously is doing well if they have been around since 1892. Eventually, sex sell ads will seem like they are getting old so I think that in order to avoid this occurrence, balancing appropriate influential tactics with promotional advertising would be the best thing to do.... Free Essays on Sex In Advertising Free Essays on Sex In Advertising SEX IN ADVERTISING Sex sells. A truth known in advertising, this famous clichà © has become the core of most American advertising tactics. In everyday life, the average buyer is subjected to thousands of ads each day, many of which contain sexual imagery. Flipping through a 200-page Abercrombie and Fitch clothes catalogue and searching on their internet site, you notice something odd–the models are not wearing any clothes. Not only are they buff, and naive looking, men and women nude, but they are posed in numerous sexual poses. The issue includes a shot of a girl at the seashore arching her back, putting her fingers through her hair, naked from the waist up, and a hot guy wearing a wet T-shirt and nothing else ...grabbing his crotch; other shots contain group kisses. Also when I first entered the site the first picture that came up were 4 guys laughing together with no clothes on. Near the end of the catalog that comes out every quarter, finally, there are clothes showed, modeless. I believe t he creators of their advertisement needed a way to show their non-sexual clothing in a sexual way to get the buyer to be intrigued about wearing it. Abercrombie obviously is doing well if they have been around since 1892. Eventually, sex sell ads will seem like they are getting old so I think that in order to avoid this occurrence, balancing appropriate influential tactics with promotional advertising would be the best thing to do.... Free Essays on Sex In Advertising Using sexually provocative material makes advertising more effective. Many people have different opinions on this controversial issue. Sex is appealing and sex in ads often makes the ads appealing also. Although some companies say they never use sex to help any of their products sales. Could it be found through research of sexual ads, magazines, movies, and interviews that using sexually provocative advertising is or isn’t effective? Using sex in advertisement has its double standards, because what is considered to be sexy to a man may be trash to a woman. In some cases the product is overshadowed by sex anyway, that’s all that most males will remember, the sexual content. (, Richard F. Taflinge, 5/28/96) Sex in ads is seen by some of society as unnecessary and vulgar. On the other hand though, there is a percentage that thinks it’s acceptable and effective. A random number of students were interviewed at Northern Kentucky University, and were asked questions like, â€Å"Is it ok to use sex in advertising?† And, â€Å"Does it motivate you to buy the product?† (, Kara McElwee, 3/31/04) Jennifer Drews, a student at Northern Kentucky University says she thought it was ok to use sex and she admitted it does motivate her to buy the product. Another student, Aaron Nieporte said that it’s ok for cologne ads but as for underwear it has to be sexy on him not the model. Jennifer Super said, â€Å"It’s alright to a certain extent. They tend to go overboard sometimes. It does not motivate me to buy a product.† (, Kara McElwee, 3/31/04). Lewis Prabell said sex in advertising is ok, but it didn’t influence him to buy a product either, and Christy Doerhofer didn’t have a problem with it as long as it was tasteful and depending upon the model she might be persuaded to buy the pro...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Fashion Magazines Affect on Teenage Girls

Reading fashion magazines can detrimental to teenage girls because such magazines can lower a girl’s self-esteem. Teenage girls see images of beautiful women in these magazines and think to themselves â€Å"I wish I could look like that, beautiful and skinny.† The truth is only there are few women who actually look like that, compared to the rest of the female population. And also the women don’t look that perfect to begin with. The images shown in these fashion magazines are airbrushed, altered, and fixed. This thinking that models are the ultimate beauty and that we should all strive to look like them is what can cause eating disorders in teenagers. They see a perfect-bodied woman and think about how perfect their life must be, and then go to dangerous lengths to be skinny. Some girls will do anything to try to reach this unattainable perfect body. Even though they may not think so, the teenagers self esteem goes down with their weight. Eventually, they will gain the weight back from the crash dieting or binging and purging, and then feel worse than before. We should have people of every size in fashion magazines, and then maybe girls will learn that everyone is different, and perfection is inevitably unattainable.... Free Essays on Fashion Magazines Affect on Teenage Girls Free Essays on Fashion Magazines Affect on Teenage Girls Reading fashion magazines can detrimental to teenage girls because such magazines can lower a girl’s self-esteem. Teenage girls see images of beautiful women in these magazines and think to themselves â€Å"I wish I could look like that, beautiful and skinny.† The truth is only there are few women who actually look like that, compared to the rest of the female population. And also the women don’t look that perfect to begin with. The images shown in these fashion magazines are airbrushed, altered, and fixed. This thinking that models are the ultimate beauty and that we should all strive to look like them is what can cause eating disorders in teenagers. They see a perfect-bodied woman and think about how perfect their life must be, and then go to dangerous lengths to be skinny. Some girls will do anything to try to reach this unattainable perfect body. Even though they may not think so, the teenagers self esteem goes down with their weight. Eventually, they will gain the weight back from the crash dieting or binging and purging, and then feel worse than before. We should have people of every size in fashion magazines, and then maybe girls will learn that everyone is different, and perfection is inevitably unattainable....

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How To Give Advice in Spanish

How To Give Advice in Spanish There are at least four ways you can offer advice in Spanish, depending partly on how direct you wish to be. Statements of advice can be in the form of a command, in the form of telling a person what he or she is obligated to do, as a statement of advice followed by the subjunctive mood, and as a n impersonal statement followed by the subjunctive mood. All four methods have parallels in English. Giving Advice Using Commands Commands may go beyond the point of being advisory, depending on the context, tone of voice and whether your command is direct or indirect. In context, commands (also known as  the imperative mood) such as these can be understood as either advice or a demand: Habla tà º a la policà ­a, y diles que tu vecina est loca. (Talk to the police and tell them your neighbor is crazy.)Compre el producto, no el proveedor. (Buy the product, not the provider.)No salgas ahora. (Dont leave now.) The future tense can substitute for the imperative in making directing commands, as it can in English. But such commands are extremely forceful and thus would not usually be understood as advisory.  ¡Comers todo el almuerzo! (You will eat all of your lunch!) ¡Saldr ahora mismo! (You will leave right now!) Giving Advice by Expressing Obligation Like direct commands, whether statements of obligation (such as You should do this in English) are understood as advice - or potentially as rude - depends on context, including the tone of voice. The common ways of expressing obligation are the uses of tener que infinitive and deber infinitive. When giving advice, you can soften the tone by using a conditional form of deber: Deberà ­as estudiar un poco acerca de las opciones. (You ought to study a little bit about the choices.)No deberà ­as escoger productos lcteos que son altos en grasas. (You shouldnt choose dairy products that are high in fat.)Deberà ­an ustedes ser ms positivos. (You should be more positive.) Using Verbs of Advice With the Subjunctive Because giving advice is often a way of expressing a wish or a desire - or certainly of referring to an event that may or may not occur - the subjunctive mood is used after the verb of advice. Common verbs of advice and possible translations include: aconsejar: to advisesugerir: to suggestproponer: to propose, to put forward (an idea) These verbs should not be confused with verbs such as notificar and informar, which can be translated as advise, but only in the sense of to inform. Some examples: Te aconsejo que me olvides. (I suggest that you forget me.)Te aconsejo que te cases en tu propio paà ­s. (I advise you to get married in your own country.)Sugiero que se pueda desactivar el foro. (I suggest that you deactivate the forum.)Le sugerimos que visite nuestro sitio regularmente. (We suggest that you visit our site regularly.)Sugiero que te comuniques con el centro meteorolà ³gico de tu ciudad. (I suggest you communicate with your citys weather center.)Te propongo que escribas un articulo con lo que sabes de este seà ±or. (I suggest you write an article based on what you know about this gentleman.)Te proponemos que dediques 3 minutitos a contestar este cuestionario. (We ask you to spend just three short minutes answering this questionnaire.) Using Impersonal Statements as Advice An even less direct way of giving advice is to use impersonal statements, typically followed by the subjunctive. Examples of impersonal statements used in advice include es importante (it is important) and es necesario (it is necessary); like verbs of advice, they are followed by a verb in the subjunctive mood. And as in the fourth example below, you can make statements of how you would react as a way of advising. Es importante que participes en clase. (It is important that you participate in class.)Creemos que es necesario que tenga un coche fiable. (We believe it is important that you have a reliable car.)Serà ­a provechoso si pudià ©ramos examinar ese problema. (It would be helpful if we could examine that problem.)Me gustarà ­a si me escribes de vez en cuando. (It would please me if you write to me once in a while.) Key Takeaways The most direct way of giving advice is to use the imperative mood or the future tense, although such ways of giving advice can come across as too forceful to be considered advice.Verbs of advice are typically followed by que and a verb in the subjunctive mood.Impersonal statements followed by a verb in the subjunctive mood can be used to give advice indirectly.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Canadian Economy & the Global Economic Crisis Essay

The Canadian Economy & the Global Economic Crisis - Essay Example The researcher states that the global economy is presently in crisis reminiscent of the Great Depression of 1929. The global economic crisis began with a US credit crunch and mortgage crisis and has had ramifications throughout the modern, capitalist developed world. The researcher of this essay aims to analyze how has the Canadian economy handled the global economic storm during this period of near universal economic contraction and what can the world learn from the Canadian economic model and how has it been successful. Seeking to explain these question and others which deal with the first global economic crisis of the twenty-first century, this research paper explains and evaluates Canada’s policies in light of global economic meltdown. Calling Canada a â€Å"role model† for other countries around the world, the World Economic Forum called Canada's banks the worlds’ â€Å"soundest†. Presently, the Canadian dollar is around $.97 USD, which is historicall y high and is thought of by many as an indication that the Canadian economy is doing well. Strong macroeconomic policies have ensured that the Canadian economy remains vibrant today. Asking whether or not this is the case, the following will explore Canada's response to the global economic financial crisis. The researcher also demonstrates an intervention, that Canadian government has played in stimulating the Canadian economy when it needed it most. Accordingly, Canada today represents a model to be emulated during the most profound global economic crisis since the Great Depression

Friday, October 18, 2019

Assessing Quality of Care in Kinship and Foster Family Care by Jill Assignment

Assessing Quality of Care in Kinship and Foster Family Care by Jill Duerr Berrick (2010) - Assignment Example Kinship care has gained increasing attention from practitioners, policymakers and researchers. The attention has been captivated by the large numbers of children being served in foster care by kin and the scarcity of information available about the rapidly growing arrangement for care† (Berrick, 1997, p.273). According to Mokgosi (1997, p.7), â€Å"placement with extended family or kinship is becoming widely used as an alternative placement. Many child welfare experts believe that children will be better served if their care is provided by family members within the community of origin rather than by strangers.† For, separation from distant family members may lead to the child’s disruption, if unattended. On the other hand, Berrick claims, â€Å"on a number of measures relating to the home environment, non-kin homes were rated as more safe† (1997, p.273). The author describes kin caregivers as â€Å"older than foster family parents and a group heavily repre sented by single women of color who are struggling themselves with limited incomes† (Berrick, 1997, p.273). Whilst foster family providers generally prepare for their new role as parents, kinship foster parents more often fall into older parenthood in response to a pressing family emergency. Trends in this data point to the need for further research in the field, that is, â€Å"the need for changes in policy and practice that might strengthen the kin and non-kin resources currently available to dependent children are also suggested† (Berrick, 1997, p.279). Although the study done by Berrick was designed to assess the quality in kin and non-kin homes, focus herein will be given on its quantitative aspect, that is to say, in terms of the empirical patterns found in the data collected, so as to explain the research phenomena with regards to its numerical data. The primary method used was survey research, which included interviews. The county staff drew a random sample of 1 23 kinship and 97 non-kin homes from their foster care databases. Herein, a simple random sampling method of analysis was implemented. â€Å"Sampling is a technical accounting device to rationalize the collection of information, to choose in an appropriate way the restricted set of objects, persons, events from which the actual information will be drawn† (Bless and Higson-Smith, 1995, p.85). In this study, the sample was restricted to those homes that included a child in care between 5 to 12 years of age. A letter describing the scope and purpose of the study was sent on all kin and non-kin providers. Providers were offered a $20.00 stipend for their participation. However, only fourteen kin (11%) and 11 non-kin (11%) providers responded to the request.  

The Outbreak of World War I Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Outbreak of World War I - Essay Example 231). The German guilt stance was subsequently supported by the absolute majority of non-German historians. During the 1920s, a special department of the German Foreign Office - the War Guilt Section - published full compilation (39 volumes) of Germany's foreign policy documents. The compilation was supposed to demonstrate that Germany was not guilty of the outbreak of hostilities. Other European states also published the same collections of pre-war documents. These documents provided historians with massive data that suggested a revision of the view of solely German responsibility for the war, but did not lead to any major change of views among the historians. Furthermore, the Second World War only reinforced the traditional point of view. As a result, European and American historiography overwhelmingly supports the Germany guilt stance. Thus, Luigi Albertini (1952) believes that although part of the blame for the outbreak of World War I rests with the failure of dipl... In a similar vein, Steiner (1977) argues the German drive for power threatened British interests and British Foreign Minister Sir Edward Grey had no choice but respond defensively to an inevitable German aggression. However, this point of view is not in line with that of David Lloyd George, the British Prime Minister who seemed to accept the blame in his War Memoirs (1934) saying that "We muddled into war" (Price, 1981, p.27). Lieven (1983) also claims that Germany's inability to control its militarism was the major factor that the blame for war must "unequivocally rest with the German government" (p.85). And even, Taylor (1969) who is widely known for his famous argument which puts events beyond the control of diplomacies believes that the breakdown of the balance of power due to a self-aggrandizing Germany was the key factor for the First World War. Although remoteness of the event, coupled with the alleged desire of many participants to hide at least part of the truth makes it too difficult to find out what country or who was primarily responsible for the outbreak of hostilities the German guilt still seems to be the most reasonable. International and domestic policy conducted by the Germany leaders convincingly demonstrates that taking the responsibility for the war off her shoulder would be a highly imprudent and unjustified step. Main Discussion The major causes of World War I are often referred to as 'MAIN': Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, and Nationalism. The German build-up of its naval forces was the main reason for deterioration of Anglo-German relations. During only four years after Great Britain, France and the Russian Empire formed the

Why new cars are better then old cars Research Paper

Why new cars are better then old cars - Research Paper Example This is because of the fact that new cars are far better and cheaper than the old cars. Indian car manufacturer, TATA group recently world’s cheapest passenger car NANO, priced only $ 2000. Even though, prices are coming down, the quality and reliability, safety features, performances, fuel efficiency, comfort levels etc of the current cars are far superior to that of the old cars. This paper briefly analyzes why new cars are better than the old cars. â€Å"Anybody with a car older than three years should be tucking aside $50 a month for repairs and maintenance† (Toups). Old cars cause many problems to the drivers on the road. Occasional engine failures, battery failures, clutch problems, break problems, accelerator problems etc are some of them. The old car owner may force to spend a substantial amount of money for as the repairing cost. On the other hand new cars cause little problems to the driver. The performances of new cars are far better than the old cars. New ca rs were given lot of importance not only to the performance, but also for the safety of the passengers. For example, airbags are one of the safety measures introduced in new cars. Airbags help the passengers to save their life when the car accidents occur. Older cars had no such facility to protect the passenger lives. Airbags will be inflated at the time of accidents and it will shield the passengers from big collisions which can cause severe injuries. Apart from the driver and the front seat passenger, current cars have airbags even for the back seat passengers. The number of air bags has been increased from one to more than 10 at present for some of the advanced cars. Moreover, it is easy for the driver to apply brake smoothly and effectively on new cars compared to the older cars because of the advancements in the braking technologies developed by car manufacturers. â€Å"Today’s automobiles are sophisticated electronically controlled machines† (Erjavec,p.3). Elect ronics has given immense contributions to human life and automobile sector is one area in which electronics brought tremendous changes. Most of the older cars were operated manually by the driver. For example, for raising or lowering the window glasses, the driver forced to put lot of manual efforts in old cars. On the other hand, pressing a switch will help the driver to raise or lower the window glasses in new cars. The fuel tank, dickey etc can also be opened with the help of some switches in the new cars. Global positioning system is another electronically controlled modification in new cars. It helps the drivers to identify routes and locate the places. The computers inside the current cars are even capable of taking the control of the vehicle if the driver accidently sleeps while driving. Moreover, the current car equipments can even measure the alcohol levels in the body of the driver and advice the driver whether to proceed with the driving or not. Such facilities were not t here in the older cars. In short, the reliability of the current cars is far more superior to the older cars. Current cars are more fuel efficient than the older cars. The technology has improved a lot so that some of the current cars give even more than 25miles per gallon (Mpg) of petrol. Most of the older cars were delivering fuel efficiency less than 10 Mpg. Petrol or diesel is necessary for driving a car. However, the availability of petrol or diesel is getting decreased day by day because of the increased usages. Americans faced the effects of oil crisis in the seventies. The energy crisis of the seventies started in October 1973 when OPEC (Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries) and some other Arab countries declared an oil embargo upon United States in